متون روانشناسی به زبان خارجی
در نمایش آنلاین پاورپوینت، ممکن است بعضی علائم، اعداد و حتی فونتها به خوبی نمایش داده نشود. این مشکل در فایل اصلی پاورپوینت وجود ندارد.
- جزئیات
- امتیاز و نظرات
- متن پاورپوینت
برچسبهای مرتبط
- Abnormal Psychology
- Approach
- Behaviorism
- Cognitive Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Gestalt Psychology
- Individual Differences
- intelligence
- Introspection
- Mental processes
- Personality
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychologist
- Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Vocabulary Review
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- متون روانشناسی
- واژگان مهم
متون روانشناسی به زبان خارجی
اسلاید 1: باسمه تعالینام درس: متون روانشناسی به زبان خارجی 1تعداد واحد: 3English in Psychology 1نام منبع: نام مولف: دکتر منوچهر جعفری گهرنام تهیه کننده: دکتر منوچهر جعفری گهر
اسلاید 2: طرح درس: 1- ارائه واژگان کلیدی و عمومی به منظور مرور معنی، معادل فارسی و تلفظ صحیح2- مرور نکات پربسامد دستوری، واژگانی، تلفظی و معنایی با اشاره به خط مربوطه3-مرور نکات مهم درک مطلب با انجام تمرینات درست/غلط 4- مرور واژگان مهم با انجام تمرینات چند گزینه ای
اسلاید 3: اهداف آموزشی درس:انتظار می رود دانشجویان پس از مطالعه این درس قادر باشند:1- معنی و کاربرد واژگان مهم درس را بدانند.2- نکات پربسامد دستوری، واژگانی، تلفظی و معنایی مرور شده را در متن های مشابه تشخیص بدهند.3- متن های مشابه را با سرعت و سطح درک مناسب بخوانند.4- متن های کوتاه انگلیسی را به فارسی برگردانند.5- انواع کلمه انگلیسی را از هم تشخیص دهند.
اسلاید 4: جایگاه درس: دانشجویان روانشناسی می بایست بتوانند به منظور اطلاع وبهره گیری از آخرین تحولات علمی در سطح کارشناسی و همچنین در دوره های تحصیلات تکمیلی از منابع معتبر به زبان انگیسی استفاده کنند. از اینرو دروس زبان تخصصی از جایگاه ویژه ای در برنامه درسی مقطع کارشناسی روانشناسی برخوردار است.
اسلاید 5: CHAPTER ONE Psychology and its FieldsKey Words Psychology/PsychologistIntrospectionMental processes BehaviorismGestalt PsychologyPsychoanalysisCognitive Psychology
اسلاید 6: The second verb used in –ing form (line 8) They recorded and measured the results of their introspections ..., (and they used) using the same verbal instruction to each person who participated.
اسلاید 7: Deleting words or phrases in parallel structures (line 13) For hundreds of years, philosophers had been reflecting on (the mind) and speculating about the mind.
اسلاید 8: The use of passive sentence and its structure (line 20) He believed that introspection produced results which could never be proved or disproved.Object + be + Past Participle His idea was accepted.
اسلاید 9: Relating subject to its verb (line 30) It largely replaced Wundt’s introspectionism, (and it advocated that) advocating that human being should be regarded as complex animals…
اسلاید 10: The use of “colon” to introduce new information (line 34) ...Watson believed, that psychology could make any claims to being a science itself: to emulate the natural, psychology must adopt its objective methods.
اسلاید 11: Comprehension Review 1-The opening of the first psychology laboratory is the sign of the actual beginning of psychology as a discipline. T
اسلاید 12: Comprehension Review2- The first psychologists studies their own thoughts, images and feelings, in order to know more about human mind. T
اسلاید 13: Comprehension Review3- Introspection method was rejected mainly because it gave objective evidence.4- According to behaviorists, the same objective method could be used to study man and animals.TF
اسلاید 14: Comprehension Review5- Today, all psychologists agree that scientific psychology is the study of human behavior.F
اسلاید 15: Vocabulary Review Gestalt psychologists advocated the idea that the whole of someone’s behavior is not the same as its part together. a. challenged b. supported c. marked d. analyzed
اسلاید 16: Vocabulary Review Behaviorists believed the only way to make psychology scientific was to emulate methods used in chemistry and physics. a. imitate b. relate c. assign d. retain
اسلاید 17: Vocabulary Review Observers who let their personal opinions influence their judgment or measurement are described as subjective. a. objective b. unbiased c. personal d. cognitive
اسلاید 18: Vocabulary Review He asked for some time to ------ on my suggestion before he accepted it. a. interpret b. reflect c. salivate d. associate
اسلاید 19: Vocabulary ReviewBehavioral motives of which the individual is not aware are called ---------- motives.a. perceptible b. creditablec. prestigious d. unconscious
اسلاید 20: Vocabulary Review A person’s ----------- consists of those characteristics that shows his or her behavior. a. personality b. validity c. speculation d. prejudice
اسلاید 21: Vocabulary ReviewIt is easier to create mental ------- for concrete stimuli rather than abstract ones. a. gestures b. images c. functions d. species
اسلاید 22: Vocabulary ReviewPsychiatrists, psychologists, and ----------all help people solve their psychological problems.a. psychoanalyzeb. psychoanalystsc. psychoanalyticd. psychoanalyses
اسلاید 23: Vocabulary ReviewThe -------- of the patient’s personality showed that he was suffering from a serious mental problem. a. analysts b. analytical c. analysis d. analytic
اسلاید 24: Vocabulary ReviewStudies show that subjects must have experience with the environment to be able to correctly ---------- the stimuli within it. a. perceptual b. perceptible c. perception d. perceive
اسلاید 25: Chapter Two The Process Approach (Experimental Psychology)Key Words Experimental Psychology Cognition/cognitive Physiological Processes Comparative Psychology Learning
اسلاید 26: The use of “dash” to introduce a list (line 1) This category itself divides into four main areas – cognitive processes, physiological processes, comparative psychology, and learning – and ...
اسلاید 27: Deletion of repeated words (line 14) ...how the functions of the nervous system and endocrine system are related to (behavior and mental processes) and influence behavior and mental processes.
اسلاید 28: Recognizing parts of speech from suffixes (line 19) conscious + ness= consciousness observe + tion =observation observe + able = observable implicit + ly = implicitly condition + ed= conditioned
اسلاید 29: The frequent use of passive structure in English (line 25) The study of animal behavior was inspired by Darwin’s theory of evolution and it ...
اسلاید 30: The use of relative clause to modify the subject (line 41) Social learning theorists, who share many of the basic principles of Conditioning Theory, ...
اسلاید 31: Comprehension Review 1- We can infer and observe our mental processes directly.2- Physiological psychologists try to find what each part of the brain does.FT
اسلاید 32: Comprehension Review3- Comparative psychology and animal psychology have the same meaning. F
اسلاید 33: Comprehension Review4- Learning processes make an important issue in social and developmental psychology.5- Social learning theorists reject the basic principles of conditioning.FF
اسلاید 34: Vocabulary Review A lot of knowledge can be attained by observing others’ verbal and non-verbal behavior. a. influenced b. encouraged c. spread d. reached
اسلاید 35: Vocabulary ReviewIt could be inferred from her behavior that she had a mental problem. a. deduced b. attained c. reflected d. emulated
اسلاید 36: Vocabulary ReviewForgetting occurs when the learned material is not retained in memory. a. varied b. influenced c. stored d. compared
اسلاید 37: Vocabulary ReviewPiaget’s theory of cognitive development had a great -------- on ideas about children’s mental processes. a. remedy b. prejudice c. temptation d. impact
اسلاید 38: Vocabulary ReviewLearning by modeling and learning by imitation are two synonyms for --------- learning. a. remedial b. functional c. observational d. conditional
اسلاید 39: Vocabulary ReviewObserving animals in their natural environment is the best way to -------- accurate information about their behavior. a. consult b. retain c. attain d. evolve
اسلاید 40: Vocabulary ReviewForgetting takes place when for some reason brain is not able to -------- the learned material. a. retain b. confine c. reflect d. advocate
اسلاید 41: Vocabulary ReviewDarwin suggested that features of successive generations are changed through ------------processes. a. evolutionary b. inferential c. attainable d. implicit
اسلاید 42: Vocabulary ReviewA theory of forgetting says that loss of -------- happens because the learned material is not used. a. permeation b. retention c. inspiration d. implication
اسلاید 43: Vocabulary ReviewWhen an organism learns to respond in a particular way to a stimulus that previously did not produce the response, the -------- process is complete. a. conditioning b. consultation c. diagnosis d. heredity
اسلاید 44: Vocabulary ReviewComparative psychologists may raise birds of different ----------in complete darkness and test what effect this could have on their ability to fly or gather food. a. genders b. species c. subdivisions d. observations
اسلاید 45: Vocabulary ReviewInstead of asking their patients direct questions, psychiatrists may prefer to --------- ask for the information they needed. a. imply b. implicitly c. implicit d. implication
اسلاید 46: Vocabulary ReviewPsychoanalysts use different techniques to ---------- their patients’ unconscious mind.a. impermeable b. permeationc. permeable d. permeate
اسلاید 47: Vocabulary ReviewJohn Watson established a system for the study of behavior in which only the ------------ responses were studied. a. observable b. observer c. observe d. observation
اسلاید 48: CHAPTER THREE The Person ApproachKey Words Approach Developmental Psychology Abnormal Psychology Individual Differences Personality Intelligence Social Psychology
اسلاید 49: Two uses of the suffix “ly” (line 4) adjective + ly = adverbQuick + ly= quickly happy + ly= happilyNoun + ly = adjectiveOrder + ly= orderlyman + ly = manly
اسلاید 50: Additional information after comma (line 8) Since changes in behavior occur rapidly in the early years of life, child psychology, the study of children’s behavior, ...
اسلاید 51: Shortened relative clause (line 18) The kinds of behavior (that are) found in disturbed children are frequently quite different from the behaviors (that are) found in disturbed adults, ...
اسلاید 52: Comprehension Review 1-We can understand somebody’s behavior better if we know its changes.2- Developmental psychologists generally study age groups. 3- There are many similarities between adults’ and children’s psychological disorders. TFF
اسلاید 53: Comprehension Review4- Those characteristics that don’t last long are NOT considered a part of a person’s personality. 5- According to some psychologists IQ tests are NOT valid.TT
اسلاید 54: Comprehension Review6- The term intelligence has a clear definition.7- Our self-concept is completely the result of the way others treat us.FF
اسلاید 55: Vocabulary Review His enduring mental disorder caused him to lose all his opportunities. a. serious b. clinical c. lasting d. active
اسلاید 56: Vocabulary ReviewAnxiety and smoking are two of the underlying causes of heart attacks. a. basic b. genetic c. valid d. objective
اسلاید 57: Vocabulary ReviewQuite frequently, an individual with a personality ---------- does not believe help is needed. a. endurance b. diagnosis c. progress d. disorder
اسلاید 58: Vocabulary ReviewA set of characteristics ----------a person’s personality. a. diagnose b. comprise c. recognize d. prescribe
اسلاید 59: Vocabulary ReviewEconomics and politics are best studied together because the two subjects ----------. a. contrast b. overlap c. vary d. fluctuate
اسلاید 60: Vocabulary ReviewThe noise of traffic is a continual source of ----------. a. disturbance b. deviance c. contribution d. expression
اسلاید 61: Vocabulary ReviewHis strong determination helped him not to -------- from a normal life. a. disturb b. prejudice c. deviate d. progress
اسلاید 62: Vocabulary ReviewOne of the questions psychology tries to answer is whether behavior occurs because of ---------- or environment. a. nurture b. heredity c. evolution d. cognition
اسلاید 63: Vocabulary ReviewLater in education, we have to -------- to more difficult tasks.progressively b. progressingc. progress d. progressive
اسلاید 64: Vocabulary ReviewMurder is considered the most serious form of ----------. a. criminal b. criminalize c. criminally d. criminality
اسلاید 65: CHAPTER FOUR Applied Psychology Key Words Clinical Psychology Psychiatry/Psychiatrist Counseling PsychologySchool/Educational PsychologyIndustrial PsychologyOrganizational Psychology
اسلاید 66: Recognizing part of speech from word parts (line 3) PsychologyPsychologistPsychologicalPsychologically
اسلاید 67: Relative clause to modify people (line 12) This difference in training means that the clinical psychologist, who does not have medical training, ...
اسلاید 68: Review of modal verbs (line 16) He can run fast. You can/may use my car. I may/might leave tomorrow. You should see a doctor. You must obey traffic rules.
اسلاید 69: The use of “neither/nor” “either/or,” and “both” (line 32) Neither Ali nor John can leave the class.Either Ali or John can leave the class.Both Ali and John left.
اسلاید 70: Subject appears at the beginning of the second clause (line 47) Using tests and information gained from consultations with the student and his or her parents, the school psychologist tries to ...
اسلاید 71: Comprehension Review 1-The clearest difference between a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist is in their academic degrees. 2- Ph.D. is the short form for “Doctor of psychology”.TF
اسلاید 72: Comprehension Review3- In most states, a clinical psychologist is NOT allowed to commit a patient to a hospital for care and treatment. 4- Clinical psychologists are better able to do research work than psychiatrists. FT
اسلاید 73: Comprehension Review5- Psychotherapy methods are used more by psychiatrists. 6- Counseling and school psychologists use tests to obtain the information they need. FT
اسلاید 74: Comprehension Review7- An educational psychologist cannot do the job of a school psychologist. F
اسلاید 75: Vocabulary Review A marriage guidance counselor helps people find the right person to marry. a. master b. adviser c. reinforcer d. interpreter
اسلاید 76: Vocabulary ReviewA medicine such as aspirin can --------- a headache.a. alleviate b. confinec. retain d. advocate
اسلاید 77: Vocabulary ReviewA doctor --------- medicine after diagnosing a disease. a. adapts b. delegates c. performs d. prescribes
اسلاید 78: Vocabulary ReviewThere is no ------------ for advanced cases of cancer. a. paralysis b. arousal c. credit d. remedy
اسلاید 79: Vocabulary ReviewWe should ------------ an experienced person before making important decisions. a. speculate b. inspire c. consult d. disturb
اسلاید 80: Vocabulary ReviewI prefer to read the English ---------- of famous books and not their translations. a. subdivision b. version c. manipulation d. deduction
اسلاید 81: Vocabulary ReviewA clinical psychologist with an M.A. should work under the ------------of a psychiatrist. a. fluctuation b. distinction c. supervision d. consultation
اسلاید 82: Vocabulary Review The main purpose of counseling or ----------- psychology is to help people overcome their personal problems. a. clinical b. cognitive c. experimental d. physiological
اسلاید 83: Vocabulary ReviewHis ------------- behavior makes him quite different from others. a. distinction b. distinctions c. distinctive d. distinctively
اسلاید 84: Vocabulary ReviewSince ---------- originated in Freud’s medical and psychiatry practice, it was first adopted by psychiatrists. a. psychoanalyze b. psychoanalysis c. psychoanalytic d. psychoanalytically
اسلاید 85: CHAPTER FIVE What is Development?Key Words DevelopmentDevelopmental PsychologyCognitive DevelopmentPhysical DevelopmentSocio-emotional DevelopmentContinuityDomain
اسلاید 86: The use of “dash” to give more information (line 4) Developmental psychologists must try to distinguish development – and more specifically, human development – from all other …
اسلاید 87: Review of different relative clauses (line 25) The man who came here is sick. The man (whom) you saw is intelligent.The book (that) you bought is interesting.
اسلاید 88: Comprehension Review 1-Brain damage is an example of physical development. 2- A developmental psychologist is interested in how an individual’s characteristics change as he gets older. FT
اسلاید 89: Comprehension Review3- All psychologists agree that development is continuous and gradual. 4- Psychological growth is getting bigger and better every day and every way. FF
اسلاید 90: Comprehension Review5- The meaning of different behaviors at different ages is one of the questions of developmental psychology. 6- A child’s development is studied by obtaining information from all the three domains. TT
اسلاید 91: Vocabulary Review Beethoven had an inborn talent for music.a. natural b. physicalc. intellectual d. hypothetical
اسلاید 92: Vocabulary ReviewPoliteness is a necessary quality for a successful person. a. feeling b. intuition c. curiosity d. characteristic
اسلاید 93: Vocabulary ReviewThe twins were so alike that it was impossible to ---------- one from the other. a. vanish b. distinguish c. assimilate d. contribute
اسلاید 94: Vocabulary ReviewMentally disordered people can be easily ---------- by their abnormal behavior. a. enhanced b. exhausted c. recognized d. proceeded
اسلاید 95: Vocabulary ReviewWhen her father died, I sent her a(n)---------- note to share her sorrow. a. prejudice b. association c. stability d. sympathy
اسلاید 96: Vocabulary ReviewSome individuals have a natural ----------- towards fatness. a. tendency b. analogy c. grimace d. concept
اسلاید 97: Vocabulary ReviewA researcher should have a(n)------------ selection of his experiments’ subjects. a. random b. overt c. total d. inborn
اسلاید 98: Vocabulary ReviewMentally disordered people are easily ------------ by their abnormal behavior. a. recognize b. recognition c. recognizable d. recognizably
اسلاید 99: Vocabulary ReviewThe two theories are not completely unrelated. They ------------ in many ways.a. interconnect b. interconnectionc. interconnected d. interconnecting
اسلاید 100: Vocabulary ReviewHe was very ------------ with me when my father died.a. sympathize b. sympathyc. Sympatheticallyd. sympathetic
اسلاید 101: CHAPTER SIX The Nature-Nurture InteractionKey Words Nature/HeredityNurture/EnvironmentInteractionPolygenicGenotype/PhenotypeExpression
اسلاید 102: Adding deleted words for better comprehension (line 7) They attempt to integrate distinctive contributions of heredity and environment, of nature and nurture, (and they attempt) not to separate them.
اسلاید 103: A comma is sometimes used to introduce more information (line 8) From the very beginning, the interaction between genes, the smallest units that carry information about heredity,...
اسلاید 104: Relating the subject to its verb (line 19) The genetic code is present in each cell of the developing individual, beginning with the fertilized egg.
اسلاید 105: Conditional sentence type 2, with “if” deleted (line 24) Were we able (if we were able) to decipher ..., we still would not be able to predict the phenotype.
اسلاید 106: A review of conditional sentences1. If I see him, I will talk to him.2. If I had a car, I would drive.3. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
اسلاید 107: Structure of passive sentences (line 31) These genes may be blocked from expressing themselves fully …Object + be + Past ParticipleThe car was painted.
اسلاید 108: Adverbial clause of time (line 47) When there is little touching and other forms of loving interest, and little stimulation of the mind, intelligence is ...
اسلاید 109: Comprehension Review 1-In the past child development was directed either by nature or nurture. 2- Most human characteristics are determined by only one gene. FF
اسلاید 110: Comprehension Review3- A person may inherit a certain gene but may NOT exhibit the trait caused by that gene. T
اسلاید 111: Comprehension Review4- Very dark skin is caused by a genotype for dark skin and continuous sunlight in the environment. T
اسلاید 112: Comprehension Review5- The environment has no effect on the expression of an individual’s intelligence. 6- Sociability is an example of a polygenic trait. FT
اسلاید 113: Vocabulary Review There should be a lot more ------- between educational psychologists and school teachers. a. interact b. interaction c. interactive d. interactively
اسلاید 114: Vocabulary ReviewIf we accept his -----------, it may provide an explanation foe the cause of some humans phobias. a. hypothesize b. hypothesis c. hypothetical d. hypothetically
اسلاید 115: Vocabulary Review Having a good diet can be ----------- to good health. a. conducive b. extensive c. subjective d. speculative
اسلاید 116: Vocabulary ReviewIn some countries, private schools have been -------------- into the government education system. a. contributed b. integrated c. disposed d. conceived
اسلاید 117: Vocabulary ReviewWe can conclude that both heredity and environment --------- to influence different traits. a. assimilate b. fluctuate c. interconnect d. interact
اسلاید 118: Vocabulary ReviewScientists sometimes make a(n) ------------ between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels. a. inference b. persistence c. analogy d. energy
اسلاید 119: Vocabulary ReviewHis heavy smoking was a(n) -------- cause of his early death. a. evolutionary b. contributory c. prejudiced d. disturbed
اسلاید 120: Vocabulary ReviewIntelligence is a(n) ----------- trait, because more than one gene is responsible for its expression. a. reversible b. intuitive c. intellectual d. polygenic
اسلاید 121: Vocabulary ReviewIn extreme ----------- the skin is a milky color and the hair is very light. a. albinism b. disorder c. temperament d. phenotype
اسلاید 122: Vocabulary ReviewThe information that --------- hold determines the way in which the organism will develop. a. genes b. genotype c. phenotype d. genetics
اسلاید 123: CHAPTER SEVEN Cognitive Development: Piaget’s ViewKey Words Cognitive DevelopmentStage TheoryAssimilationAccommodationSensorimotor
اسلاید 124: Some uses of “as” (line 4) This book is the same as mine.Ali is as intelligent as John.He works as a psychologist.I saw him as he left.
اسلاید 125: Subject at the end of passive sentences (line 7) Such ideas were challenged by the Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget.Object + be+ P.P.+ by+subject
اسلاید 126: Sometimes “it” does not refer to anything, it just fills the subject position (line 15) In particular, it appears that in many respects ...It is strange that he left here.
اسلاید 127: “too” before adjectives or adverbs (line 25) The tea is too hot to drink.He is too young to drive.I have too much work to go on a trip.
اسلاید 128: Deleting subject in parallel sentences (line 42) ... he sees the same porpoises breathing, (he) watches them being petted by their trainer, and (he) is allowed to touch one himself.
اسلاید 129: Comprehension Review 1-Jean Piaget believed that children’s cognitive abilities are less fully developed than adults. 2- All psychologists accept Piaget’s theory as an exact description of cognitive development. FF
اسلاید 130: Comprehension Review3- The underlying mechanisms of cognitive development are studied by Piaget. 4- Object permanence is a very important achievement of the first stage. TT
اسلاید 131: Comprehension Review5- The beginning of the second stage is marked by the use of mental images and verbal symbols.T
اسلاید 132: Comprehension Review6- Wrong answers to the cardboard tube and balls test indicate that the child is in the preoperational stage. F
اسلاید 133: Comprehension Review7- Conceptual categories appear in the third stage. 8- The individuals at the formal operation stage may NOT actually use their advanced forms of thought and reasoning.TT
اسلاید 134: Vocabulary Review A poet can --------- his feelings, but a painter expresses his feelings in drawings and colors. a. verbalize b. verbalization c. verbal d. verbally
اسلاید 135: Vocabulary ReviewHer mood --------- from happiness to extreme depression when she heard the bad news. a. variable b. variably c. variability d. varied
اسلاید 136: Vocabulary ReviewThis judge is very skillful in -------; he can use general principles to solve particular cases. a. deduce b. deduction c. deductive d. deductively
اسلاید 137: Vocabulary ReviewSome movies are suitable only for mature audience. a. adolescent b. expert c. curious d. adult
اسلاید 138: Vocabulary ReviewThe tension between contrasting feelings may cause mental disorders. a. tendency b. sympathy c. pressure d. expression
اسلاید 139: Vocabulary ReviewDon’t ever ---------- your enemy. He might be more intelligent than you are. a. underestimate b. assimilatec. sympathize d. contribute
اسلاید 140: Vocabulary ReviewThis chemical reaction has ------. H2 and O combine to make water, and then water can be analyzed into H2 and O.a. conduciveness b. reversibility c. accommodation d. interconnection
اسلاید 141: Vocabulary ReviewMost -------- cells are located in almost protected positions in the body. a. verbal b. overt c. sensory d. genetic
اسلاید 142: Vocabulary ReviewIt is very difficult to measure -------- qualities such as honesty, love, kindness etc. a. concrete b. random c. abstract d. verbal
اسلاید 143: Vocabulary ReviewUnlike psychology, physics generally deals with forces that act on --------- objects. a. mature b. concrete c. random d. variable
اسلاید 144: CHAPTER EIGHT Classical Conditioning Key Words Classical ConditioningStimulusResponseConditionedReinforcementExperiment
اسلاید 145: The use of “colon” to give some explanation (line 4) During his investigation, he noticed a curious fact: the dogs which were subjects in his studies ...
اسلاید 146: Shortened relative clauses (line 17) This was followed by a second stimulus (that was) known to produce a strong effect on salivation (dried meat powder (that was) put...
اسلاید 147: Review of passive sentences (line 22) Ali has called me.I have been called. Ali painted the house.The house was painted.Ali will paint it.It will be painted.
اسلاید 148: Some uses of “so” (line 33,34) I am so tired that I can’t go.Is he here? I think so.He studied hard, so he passed.So, you said he left.
اسلاید 149: Verbs used as adjectives (line 47) This is a terrifying story.The child was terrified.The boring film tired everyone.All the students were bored.
اسلاید 150: Comprehension Review 1- The initial aim of Pavlov was to study the responses of dogs to certain stimuli.2- The bell was called a conditioned stimulus because it made the dogs salivate at first.FF
اسلاید 151: Comprehension Review3- People also learn through classical conditioning. 4- Albert was never afraid when the rat was NOT followed by the noise. 5- The snake photo was presented as the conditioned response.TFT
اسلاید 152: Vocabulary Review It is curious that some organisms sometimes don’t react like other organisms of the same kind. a. dynamic b. strange c. suitable d. adaptable
اسلاید 153: Vocabulary ReviewThe field of psychology has undergone many changes during the 20th century. a. comprised b. speculated c. experienced d. concerned
اسلاید 154: Vocabulary ReviewSome new feelings may evoke old memories. a. enhance b. introduce c. reduce d. produce
اسلاید 155: Vocabulary ReviewPeople sometimes ---------- at the thought of something delicious. a. salivate b. associate c. condition d. maintain
اسلاید 156: Vocabulary ReviewShe has ----------- to enter the university by studying day and night. a. turned out b. conditioned c. set out d. undergone
اسلاید 157: Vocabulary ReviewA mother’s opinion of his child is naturally a(n) --------- one. a. conditioned b. prejudiced c. adaptive d. extensive
اسلاید 158: Vocabulary ReviewIf Pavlov had used the bell alone, it would not cause the dog to salivate because it would be a(n)---------- stimulus. a. neutral b. salivary c. conditioned d. unconditioned
اسلاید 159: Vocabulary ReviewThose who have color ---------- hate people with different skin color. a. arousal b. curiosity c. prejudice d. status
اسلاید 160: Vocabulary ReviewThe thief’s strange behavior ------- the suspicion of the police. a. reversed b. contrasted c. tended d. aroused
اسلاید 161: Vocabulary ReviewYoung children have strong -------- to discover new things. a. curiosity b. curious c. salivate d. salivary
اسلاید 162: CHAPTER NINE Operant Conditioning: Learning Based on ConsequencesKey Words Operant ConditioningPrimary Reinforcer Positive ReinforcerNegative ReinforcerPunishment
اسلاید 163: Review of sentence types (line 7) He studied hard for the exam. (simple)He studied hard and he passed. (compound)He studied hard because he wanted to pass. (complex)
اسلاید 164: Review of modals (line 16) I can drive.It may/might rain tonight.You can/may leave now.You should be careful.We must obey the law.
اسلاید 165: Deletion of repeated words (line 40) ... where some response is followed by unpleasant stimuli or events, or (where some response is followed) by the omission of positive events.
اسلاید 166: Changing verbs into nouns (line 57) Reinforce+ment= reinforcementAcquire + tion = acquisitionSuppress + sion = suppressionArouse + al = arousalTend + ency = tendency
اسلاید 167: Comprehension Review 1-Most psychologists believe that operant conditioning is the result of two kinds of events.2- A positive reinforcer increases the tendency to do a certain action again. TT
اسلاید 168: Comprehension Review3- A positive reinforcer can have the same effect in different contexts.4- When we perform an action to escape a negative reinforcer, we may do that action again and again. FT
اسلاید 169: Comprehension Review5- There is NOT much difference between punishment and a negative reinforcer. 6- We may suppress a form of behavior because of a negative reinforcer.FT
اسلاید 170: Vocabulary Review As his anger was not ----------, I decided not to argue with him. a. suppressible b. suppress c. suppressing d. suppression
اسلاید 171: Vocabulary ReviewIt needs a lot of time and energy to acquire a good knowledge of English. a. control b. gain c. advise d. connect
اسلاید 172: Vocabulary ReviewIn the ---------- of an economic crisis, it is not wise to lower the taxes. a. inference b. context c. acquisition d. implication
اسلاید 173: Vocabulary ReviewThe doctor advised him to really --------- from smoking. a. regard b. retain c. refrain d. reverse
اسلاید 174: Vocabulary ReviewAn intelligence test can --------- as a way of finding how intelligent someone is. a. serve b. infer c. interact d. prevent
اسلاید 175: Vocabulary ReviewIn a class, the teacher’s praise of a student’s correct response is a best ----------- reinforcer for that behavior. a. conditioning b. stimulus c. negative d. positive
اسلاید 176: Vocabulary ReviewA constant tendency to ---------- one’s anger may have unpleasant results. a. perform b. associate c. suppress d. embarrass
اسلاید 177: Vocabulary ReviewIt is necessary to understand ---------- in order to be able to understand social roles. a. intellect b. status c. inference d. permanence
اسلاید 178: Vocabulary ReviewHe was really -------- when he found out that he didn’t have enough money to pay for his lunch. a. prejudiced b. embarrassed c. persisted d. impressed
اسلاید 179: Vocabulary ReviewAlfred Nobel’s name is always --------- with Noble Prize.a. gestured b. acquiredc. counteracted d. associated
اسلاید 180: Vocabulary ReviewFirst language --------- by children has different stages. a. emotion b. variation c. acquisition d. exclusion
اسلاید 181: CHAPTER TEN How Can Language be Defined?Key Words LearningPerformancePermanentTemporaryBehavioralPotential Behavior
اسلاید 182: Passives with modals (line 1) He will repair it.It will be repaired.She might write it.It might be written.He must painted it.It must be painted.
اسلاید 183: Changing nouns into adjectives (line 8) Behavior + al = behavioralEvolution + ary = evolutionaryDanger + ous = dangerousHistory + ic = historic
اسلاید 184: The use of certain prepositions with certain verbs (line 15) Infer fromAssociate withThink ofFace withBe based onAssign to
اسلاید 185: A clause as the subject or object of verb (line 47) What we learn at any time is influenced by ...What you say is true.I want to know what he did.
اسلاید 186: Comprehension Review 1-A permanent change in behavior is always a form of learning. 2- If a behavioral change is observed only once, it cannot be considered learning. FT
اسلاید 187: Comprehension Review3- We can call a behavioral change a form of learning when it is related to what has happened before in our lives. T
اسلاید 188: Comprehension Review4- Learning is also the natural result of growing up.5- An exam is one of the ways to find out if learning has happened or not. FT
اسلاید 189: Comprehension Review6- Only our performance can show if learning has occurred. 7- According to the second definition current performance is almost the same as potential behavior based on learning. TF
اسلاید 190: Comprehension Review8- Howe believes that we learn because we want to protect ourselves and make our capacities larger. 9- An adaptive change helps us to be more effective in our environment. TT
اسلاید 191: Vocabulary Review George didn’t openly agree with my suggestion, but his agreement was --------- in his pleasant smile. a. implicitly b. imply c. implicit d. implication
اسلاید 192: Vocabulary Review His ------------ learning ability enabled him to major in two different fields. a. extend b. extensive c. extension d. extensively
اسلاید 193: Vocabulary ReviewThey could not --------- to the new weather conditions when they migrated from Spain to Norway. a. adapt b. adaptation c. adaptive d. adaptable
اسلاید 194: Vocabulary ReviewIt is really difficult to separate memory and learning; they are closely interlinked. a. disturbed b. counted c. changed d. joined
اسلاید 195: Vocabulary ReviewScience and technology have brought about great changes in the 20th century. a. caused b. counted c. needed d. separated
اسلاید 196: Vocabulary ReviewHe didn’t call her a liar, he implied that she was not telling the truth.a. recognize b. suggestedc. allowed d. distinguish
اسلاید 197: Vocabulary ReviewAs theoretical constructs are not directly observable, they can’t be measured easily. a. stages b. states c. amounts d. concepts
اسلاید 198: Vocabulary ReviewHis ------- character allows him to feel comfortable in all kinds of environments. a. adaptive b. curious c. reversible d. prejudiced
اسلاید 199: Vocabulary ReviewThe capacity of our memory can be ------------ by practicing regularly. a. fatigued b. reinforced c. extended d. conditioned
اسلاید 200: Vocabulary ReviewAir pollution is --------. It increases gradually and steadily day by day.a. adaptable b. inferentialc. permanent d. cumulative
اسلاید 201: Vocabulary ReviewWhat we actually do, that is, our ----------- doesn’t always indicate what we really know.a. reinforcement b. performancec. competence d. association
اسلاید 202: Vocabulary ReviewWhen a certain behavior is repeated on a number of occasions, we can conclude that behavior has ---------- . a. expression b. adaptation c. inference d. permanence
اسلاید 203: Vocabulary ReviewAll hypothetical ---------- are measured by observing peoples performance. a. constructs b. reinforces c. disorders d. remedies
اسلاید 204: CHAPTER ELEVEN What does Motivation Mean?Key Words MotivationTheory/TheoristCompetenceEmotionVariableEnergize
اسلاید 205: Some common expressions (line 3) Due toIn response to In contrastRegardless ofOn the basis ofWith regard to
اسلاید 206: Deletion in parallel structures (line 10) Learning theorist, for example, have also been concerned with what arouses behavior, (and learning theorists have been concerned with) what gives it direction.
اسلاید 207: Words and expressions that show contrastBut/YetOn the other handOn the contraryNeverthelessHoweverIn spite of
اسلاید 208: Words and expressions that show similarityAlsoBesidesSimilarlyIn addition toFurthermore As a matter of fact
اسلاید 209: Words and expressions that show resultSoThus Therefore As a resultAs a consequence
اسلاید 210: Comprehension Review 1-Different psychologists give different definitions for motivation. 2- The arousal, direction and persistence of behavior are studied only by motivation theorists.TF
اسلاید 211: Comprehension Review3- Learning theorists do NOT focus on the study of those factors that arouse and energize behavior. 4- The factors that arouse, energize and direct our behavior are almost the same. TT
اسلاید 212: Comprehension Review5- What makes a person repeat a certain behavior is the main concern of motivation theorists. 6- According to motivation theorists, some motivational processes underlie our behavior all the time. FT
اسلاید 213: Vocabulary Review He is a (n) -------- designer; he has the necessary skills and knowledge, but he never works hard enough. a. competence b. competent c. compete d. competition
اسلاید 214: Vocabulary ReviewDavid is a bit neurotic, but his wife is a very ----------- person. a. stabilize b. stability c. stable d. stably
اسلاید 215: Vocabulary ReviewIf a member does not pay his membership fees, he may be ------------ from the club. a. excluded b. exclusion c. exclusive d. exclusively
اسلاید 216: Vocabulary ReviewWe are living in a dynamic period in history; the face of the world is changing quickly. a. active b. meaningful c. curious d. successful
اسلاید 217: Vocabulary ReviewThe --------- of black people from the elections caused great anger among them. a. exclusion b. evolution c. assignment d. commitment
اسلاید 218: Vocabulary ReviewHis speech had an effect on our --------- rather than our reasons. a. motives b. emotions c. perceptions d. associations
اسلاید 219: Vocabulary ReviewHunger, thirst and the need for air are some of our survival ------. a. prejudices b. emotions c. impressions d. motives
اسلاید 220: Vocabulary ReviewNothing stays the same around us , because our life environment is highly ---------. a. stable b. variable c. persistent d. intense
اسلاید 221: Vocabulary ReviewThere is no doubt about the ----------- of the new teaching method, because it can produce the desired effects very well. a. prestige b. variation c. efficacy d. stability
اسلاید 222: Vocabulary ReviewThe Kayhan reporter managed to get a(n) ----------- interview with the scientist. No other reporters took part in the interview. a. contrasting b. immediate c. thematic d. exclusive
اسلاید 223: Vocabulary ReviewA good diet and enough sleep are necessary to --------- our health. a. alleviate b. diagnose c. maintain d. intensify
اسلاید 224: Vocabulary ReviewOne of the ways to find out about the -------- of someone’s emotion is to know how long it has been since the motive was last satisfied. a. intensity b. tendency c. competence d. maintenance
اسلاید 225: CHAPTER TWELVE Achievement, Power, and Affiliation: Some Human MotivesKey Words Motivation/MotiveAchievement MotiveAffiliation MotivePower MotivePrestigeAchievement-Oriented
اسلاید 226: The use of certain prepositions with certain adjectives (line 1) Unhappy withWorried aboutTired ofIn favor ofSurprised atAccustomed to
اسلاید 227: The use of “colon” to introduce explanation (line 11) Many psychologists would answer: through reference to important human motives.
اسلاید 228: Review of passive structure (line 28) The same basic method is used for measuring all three of the motives...Object + be + past participle
اسلاید 229: Shortened relative clauses (line) 51Those (who hold) holding jobs (that require) requiring independent action and decision-making often have children (who are) higher in such motivation...
اسلاید 230: Comprehension Review 1-The artist destroyed his painting because he thought he could paint better than that. 2- The affiliation motive caused the woman to give up her law practice. TF
اسلاید 231: Comprehension Review3- Someone who wants others to obey him, has a strong power motive. 4- Those who just try to get by, are low in achievement motivation. TT
اسلاید 232: Comprehension Review5- Achievement, affiliation and power motives are measured quite differently. 6- Differences in achievement motivation are mainly due to differences in child-rearing practices. FT
اسلاید 233: Comprehension Review7- The intensity of achievement motivation does NOT usually affect other respects of life. F
اسلاید 234: Comprehension Review8- When persons low in achievement motivation fail, they blame other people and other things for their own failure. T
اسلاید 235: Comprehension Review9- A manager with good LMP does NOT let his emotional ties take away his chances of promotion. T
اسلاید 236: Comprehension Review10-If a person is low in power motivation, he is certainly high in affiliation motivation and vice versa. F
اسلاید 237: Vocabulary Review It is not advisable to spend our time and energy on goals that are not -----------. a. achievable b. achieve c. achievement d. achieved
اسلاید 238: Vocabulary Review You do not have to do all the work yourself. In fact, you should ---------- part of your duty to your secretary. a. delegation b. delegated c. delegate d. delegating
اسلاید 239: Vocabulary Review A nice work setting is one where there is a sense of competition, but no one feels jealous of someone else. a. desire b. motive c. environment d. improvement
اسلاید 240: Vocabulary ReviewThose who have only one main theme in life are usually more successful than those who spend their energy in different directions. a. quality b. power c. trait d. concern
اسلاید 241: Vocabulary ReviewHis latest book -----------to be a masterpiece. a. got by b. turned out c. thought of d. inferred from
اسلاید 242: Vocabulary Review ------------ individuals seek a very high standard of performance for themselves. a. Achievement-oriented b. Motivation-oriented c. Power-oriented d. Affiliation-oriented
اسلاید 243: Vocabulary ReviewIt is undoubtedly --------- to spend enough time, energy and money to learn English. a. achievable b. worthwhile c. persistent d. exclusive
اسلاید 244: Vocabulary ReviewThe need to experience attachment to others through friendship, sociability or group membership is called the need for --------- . a. power b. leadership c. affiliation d. achievement
اسلاید 245: Vocabulary ReviewHis receiving the Noble Prize for medicine is a very -------------- achievement. a. reversible b. variable c. maintainable d. creditable
اسلاید 246: Vocabulary ReviewThe swimmer drowned because his legs had got --------- with a fishing net. a. affiliated b. intensified c. entangled d. delegated
اسلاید 247: Vocabulary Review For people with high power motivation, the main ------- is how to get higher and higher positions. a. setting b. impact c. domain d. theme
اسلاید 248: CHAPTER THIRTEEN Thinking and Language Key Words ThinkingSign LanguageHypothesisSemanticExperiment
اسلاید 249: Some common phrasal verbs (line 5) Draw onCarry onTurn outGive upTurn offCall on
اسلاید 250: Subject at the beginning of the second clause (line 23) While (he was) under the influence of the drug, the subject was ...Having finished homework, Ali went to the park.
اسلاید 251: The use of present perfect (line 31) The discussion so far has been about the use of vocal speech symbols...I saw this film last year.I have seen this film.
اسلاید 252: Passive present perfect (line 40) ... it has been found that deaf children develop their own.He has repaired the car.The car has been fixed.Object + be + past participle
اسلاید 253: Comprehension Review 1-Our semantic long-term memory stores whatever is needed to produce language. 2- Linguistic relatively hypothesis is widely accepted by language theorists. TF
اسلاید 254: Comprehension Review3- Some experiments have proved the existence of small movements in the vocal apparatus while thinking. 4- Other experiments have completely denied the small movements of the vocal apparatus. TF
اسلاید 255: Comprehension Review5- In the experiment the drug had blocked the connection between his muscles and his brain. 6- Only one kind of drug was used during the experiment. TF
اسلاید 256: Comprehension Review7- According to the passage, a sign language does NOT express all our ideas. 8- Knowing a sign language can improve a deaf person’s performance on cognitive and thinking tasks. FT
اسلاید 257: Vocabulary Review The --------- caused by a stroke may be temporary or permanent. a. paralysis b. paralyze c. paralytic d. paralytically
اسلاید 258: Vocabulary ReviewWhen someone is bitten by a poisonous snake, only a certain kind of drug can --------- the poison. a. counteractive b. counteract c. counteraction d. counteracting
اسلاید 259: Vocabulary ReviewThe --------- of correct sentences requires a certain number of rules as well as enough words. a. generate b. generated c. generative d. generation
اسلاید 260: Vocabulary ReviewAt first I thought he was joking, but later it became clear that he had literally left the university for ever. a. really b. explicitly c. infinitely d. effortfully
اسلاید 261: Vocabulary ReviewModern views usually oppose traditional ones. a. limits b. opinions c. changes d. effects
اسلاید 262: Vocabulary ReviewWe combine sounds to generate words and combine words to make sentences. a. relate b. infer c. produce d. influence
اسلاید 263: Vocabulary Review---------- languages were originally created for deaf people. a. Semantic b. Sign c. Vocal d. Written
اسلاید 264: Vocabulary ReviewWhen the nerve of a muscle is cut off, the ----------- of that muscle become impossible.a. interpretation b. counteractionc. generation d. excitation
اسلاید 265: Vocabulary ReviewA limited number of words and rules make it possible to create a (n) --------- of sentences. a. infinity b. variability c. reversibility d. heredity
اسلاید 266: Vocabulary ReviewThe meaning of a word can be considered as the combination of its ----------- features. a. mnemonic b. semantic c. explicit d. implicit
اسلاید 267: Vocabulary ReviewThe doctors could not help the patient, because he was ------- dead when he was taken to the hospital. a. explicitly b. curiously c. literally d. infinitely
اسلاید 268: Vocabulary ReviewThe ---------- of the drug on the chemical poison saved his life.a. affiliationb. fluctuationc. Delegationd. counteraction
اسلاید 269: Vocabulary ReviewShe never uses ---------- language, instead she prefers to imply what she means. a. prestigious b. gestural c. explicit d. deviant
اسلاید 270: Vocabulary ReviewOnly ten digits, 0-9 are used to make --------- numbers. a. infinitely b. infinite c. infinity d. infinitive
اسلاید 271: CHAPTER FOURTEEN Method for Solving Problems: Trial-and-Error, Algorithms, and HeuristicsKey Words Problem-solvingTrial-and-errorAlgorithmHeuristicMeans-ends analysis
اسلاید 272: The use of two verbs together (line 5) He decided to go.She promised to study.He stopped working.He avoided seeing me.He tried to pass.He tried working harder.
اسلاید 273: Review of conditionals (line 22) If he calls me, I will talk to him.If I had money, I would buy a car.If I had studied harder, I would have passed.
اسلاید 274: Comprehension Review 1-The example at the beginning of the passage is about the use of a trial-and-error technique. 2- We can be sure we can finally find the solution through trial-and- error. TF
اسلاید 275: Comprehension Review3- Heuristics are more effective than an algorithm or trial-and-error.4- the main problem of an algorithm is that it does NOT work in a satisfactory way. TT
اسلاید 276: Comprehension Review5- By putting the solutions to the subproblems together, the major problem is solved. 6- Ends are used to get the appropriate means. TF
اسلاید 277: Comprehension Review7- The first step of writing a term paper is collecting enough information. F
اسلاید 278: Vocabulary Review After we ----------- all the details of the subjects, we can go to the next one. a. exhaust b. exhaustiveness c. exhaustive d. exhaustively
اسلاید 279: Vocabulary Review I am not familiar with the ----------- of applying for this job. Would you give me the necessary information? a. proceed b. procedure c. proceeded d. procedural
اسلاید 280: Vocabulary ReviewAfter the storm started, he could ------------- swim back to the sea shore. a. effort b. effortfully c. effortfulness d. effortful
اسلاید 281: Vocabulary ReviewYou should read the directions carefully to know how to proceed on a long exam. a. promise b. continue c. divide d. solve
اسلاید 282: Vocabulary Review your plan is perfect, but it has a major drawback; it requires a huge amount of money. a. problem b. procedure c. growth d. mastery
اسلاید 283: Vocabulary ReviewThe psychoanalyst made an exhaustive search into his patient’s memories. a. thematic b. mnemonic c. complete d. persistent
اسلاید 284: Vocabulary ReviewA(n) --------process is used when the brain explores and evaluates possible lines of thinking. a. cognition b. algorithm c. semantic d. heuristic
اسلاید 285: Vocabulary ReviewHe had better go walking, he is too old for a (n) --------- activity like rowing a boat. a. procedural b. emotional c. effortful d. adaptive
اسلاید 286: Vocabulary Review A mouse can learn to find its way through a maze by --------; it tries different paths until it finds the way out. a. means-end analysis b. mnemonic device c. trial- and- error d. rule of thumb
اسلاید 287: Vocabulary ReviewA (n) ------------- is a learned or memorized procedure followed by our brain. a. heuristic b. mnemonic c. gesture d. algorithm
اسلاید 288: Vocabulary Review In a war front the only ---------- to being killed is to kill. a. procedural b. proceed c. alternative d. alternatively
اسلاید 289: CHAPTER FIFTEEN How to Improve ThinkingKey Words MetacognitionKnowledgeMnemonic DevicesEnhanceApproach
اسلاید 290: A complex sentence (line 1) Since one of psychology’s ultimate goals is improving human welfare, many researchers have turned their attention to the following question: ...
اسلاید 291: Review of three sentence types Simple: The doctor treated his disease.Compound: He went there but I stayed here.Complex: He passed because he had studied well.
اسلاید 292: A relative clause (line 10) Evidence for the value of such an approach is provided by many studies which have compared experts with beginners in various fields...
اسلاید 293: A review of different relative clausesThe man who came here is tall. The man (whom/that) you saw is intelligent.
اسلاید 294: A review of different relative clausesThe car that/which crashed into the tree was nice.The book (that/which) you bought is interesting.
اسلاید 295: Words with the same form for noun and verbMaster PanicCampaignFatigue PrejudiceGrimaceContrast
اسلاید 296: Comprehension Review 1-Present studies suggest that we cannot enhance men’s ability to think, reason, make decisions, and solve problems. 2- Knowledge base and metacognition approaches are similar in some respects. FF
اسلاید 297: Comprehension Review3- We have metacognition when we know what is going on in our minds. 4- Awareness of mental processes does NOT enhance our mental abilities very much. TF
اسلاید 298: Comprehension Review5- Children can gain new information better if they are aware of their own cognitive processes. T
اسلاید 299: Comprehension Review6- According to the passage, the application of both approaches together is very effective. 7- Psychology can improve human welfare if it can bring about important gains in our cognitive abilities. TT
اسلاید 300: Vocabulary Review We have to stop the ----------- number of jobless people. a. growth b. growing c. grew d. grow
اسلاید 301: Vocabulary ReviewAll organisms have limited life, i.e., they will ------------ die. a. presume b. presumably c. presumption d. presumable
اسلاید 302: Vocabulary ReviewAccording to law, an accused man is ------------ to be innocent until he is proved guilty. a. presumption b. presumed c. presume d. presumably
اسلاید 303: Vocabulary ReviewThe growing population of our planet threatens the future of mankind. a. lasting b. increasing c. disposable d. achievable
اسلاید 304: Vocabulary ReviewHe has saved his money all these years, because his ultimate goal is to buy a house. a. final b. stable c. emotional d. minimal
اسلاید 305: Vocabulary ReviewThe medicine has had a (n) --------- effect on his heart problem; he can live for more years without any worries. a. disposable b. paralytic c. ongoing d. lasting
اسلاید 306: Vocabulary ReviewThe airplane has ---------- crashed into the mountains, because there have been no radio contacts for 10 hours. a. effortfully b. infinitely c. presumably d. exhaustively
اسلاید 307: Vocabulary ReviewThe basic skills of ---------- include predicting the consequences of an action and checking the results of one’s own action. a. algorithm b. metacognition c. semantic d. presumption
اسلاید 308: Vocabulary ReviewAs he could ----------------- effectively, his father permitted him to choose his course of study by himself. a. grow b. master c. reason d. dispose
اسلاید 309: Vocabulary ReviewI did not ask him for help; in fact, he ------------ lent me the money I needed. a. variably b. alternatively c. paralytically d. spontaneously
اسلاید 310: Vocabulary ReviewAlthough he has started to study biology, his ------------ goal is to become a doctor. a. ultimate b. procedural c. panicky d. exhaustive
اسلاید 311: Vocabulary ReviewIn order to ------------ your English you should practice regularly. a. presume b. dispose c. enhance d. generate
اسلاید 312: Vocabulary ReviewWhen you are translating a passage, you should keep at least one dictionary at your -----------. a. presumption b. delegation c. arousal d. disposal
اسلاید 313: Vocabulary ReviewThe art of improving memory along with the techniques used for this purpose is called --------. a. mnemonics b. panic c. context d. gesture
اسلاید 314: Vocabulary ReviewThe -------- of the patient’s personality showed that he was suffering from a serious mental problem. a. analyze b. analytical c. analysis d. analytic
اسلاید 315: Vocabulary ReviewStudies show that subjects must have experience with the environment to be able to correctly ---------- the stimuli within it. a. perceptual b. perceptible c. perception d. perceive
اسلاید 316: Vocabulary ReviewPsychoanalysts use different techniques to ---------- their patients’ unconscious mind.a. impermeable b. permeationc. permeable d. permeate
اسلاید 317: Vocabulary ReviewJohn Watson established a system for the study of behavior in which only the ------------ responses were studied. a. observable b. observer c. observe d. observation
اسلاید 318: Vocabulary ReviewLater in education, we have to -------- to more difficult tasks. a. progressively b. progressing c. progress d. progressive
اسلاید 319: Vocabulary ReviewMurder is considered the most serious form of ----------. a. criminal b. criminalize c. criminally d. criminality
اسلاید 320: Vocabulary ReviewHis ------------- behavior makes him quite different from others. a. distinction b. distinctions c. distinctive d. distinctively
اسلاید 321: Vocabulary ReviewSince ---------- originated in Freud’s medical and psychiatry practice, it was first adopted by psychiatrists. a. psychoanalyze b. psychoanalysis c. psychoanalytic d. psychoanalytically
اسلاید 322: Vocabulary ReviewThe two theories are not completely unrelated. They ------------ in many ways. a. interconnect b. interconnection c. interconnected d. interconnecting
اسلاید 323: Vocabulary ReviewHe was very ------------ with me when my father died. a. sympathize b. sympathy c. sympatheticallyd. sympathetic
اسلاید 324: THE END GOOD LUCK
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