اسلاید 1: Auricular skin continues into the external acoustic meatus Ceruminous glands;-ear wax or cerumenArteries; -post. Auricular -deep auricular -ant. AuricularNerves; -auriculotemporal -auricular branch of the vagus
اسلاید 2: Tympanic cavity or middle ear (tympanic cavity proper & epitympanic reces)tympanic cavity proper;-vertical & anteroposterior D. 15mm-transverse D. above 6mm & below 4mm & center 2mmThe cavity is bounded;-laterally; tympanic membrane -medially; lat. Wall internal ear-posteriorly; mastoid antrum via mastoid air cells-anteriorly; pharyngotympanic tube- Roof; tegmen tympani-floor; separated fom sup. Bulb of the int. jugular vein
اسلاید 3: Boundaries of the tympanic cavityLat. Wall; -tympanic membrane -post. Canaliculus for the chorda tympani nerve -petrotympanic fissure -ant. Canaliculus for the chorda tympani nerveTympanic membrane; -angle of about 55˚ with meatal floor -0.1mm -fibrocartilaginous ring -ant. & post. Malleolar folds -pars flaccida -pars tensa -handle of malleus -umbo
اسلاید 4: Relations of the tympanic membrane;-sup: auditory ossicles-ant. Inf.: conus light-post. Inf.: promontoryHistologically has three strata; -cuticular, fibrous & mucousArteries; -deep auricular -stylomastoid -ant. TympanicNerves; -auriculotemporal -auricular branch of vagus
اسلاید 5: Medial wall;-promontory-sinus tympani -ampulla post. Semicircular canal-fenestra vestibuli (ovalis) -base of stapes -annular ligament-fenestra cochlea (rotunda) -secondary tympanic membrane (three layer)-prominence of the facial nerve canal-cochleariformis process
اسلاید 6: Post. Wall;-aditus of the mastoid antrum-mastoid antrum-pyramidal eminence-fossa incudisMastoid Antrum-ant. Wall; aditus-med. Wall; post. Semicircular canal -post. Wall; sigmoid sinus-roof; tegmen tympani-floor; several opening for mastoid air cells-ant.-inf.; facial nerve canal-lat. Wall; suprameatal triangle
اسلاید 7: Ant. Wall;-canal for the tensor tympani-osseous part of the pharyngotympanic tubeAuditory tube;-osseous part 12mm-fibrocartilaginous 24mm-isthmus-tubal tonsil-arteries; -ascending pharyngeal -middle meningeal -artery of the pterygoid canal-nerves; -tympanic plexus & pterygopalatine ganglion
اسلاید 8: Auditory ossicles (malleus, incus & stapes)Hammer or Malleus: Head, Neck, Handle, Ant. Process & Post. ProcessSaddle joint with incusNeck related with chorda tympanic nerve
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