
Best Practices in Geospatial SOA


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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “Best Practices in Geospatial SOA”

Best Practices in Geospatial SOA

اسلاید 1: Best Practices in Geospatial SOANSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) 2008Best Practices in Geospatial Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ProjectContacts: Neil Devadasan, ndevadas@iupui.eduJeff Ehman, jeffe@imagemattersllc.comJeff Harrison, jharrison@cubewerx.com

اسلاید 2: TopicsIntroductionWhat is SOA? Some Common DefinitionsDefining Requirements and ProcessesDesigning and Deploying SOAQuestions

اسلاید 3: IntroductionFor the US Federal Government’s Geospatial Line of Business (LoB) effective design and deployment of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using Web Services will determine the success of shared access to geospatial data and applications.

اسلاید 4: Geospatial Web Services...Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensFederal Data ProvidersMaps and location-aware technologyGeospatial AssetsGovernance

اسلاید 5: CAP 2008 Category 2 ProjectsGovernment and industry leaders design, deploy, and document reusable geospatial services and applications using SOA. Solutions satisfy multi-agency requirements by modeling business processes & related data and service components. Documents best practices to educate federal agencies on design, implementation, and application of government-wide services for Geospatial LoB.

اسلاید 6: ParticipantsImage Matters and EPAThe Polis Center, Indiana University, USGS and NWSCubeWerx and US Army Corps of Engineers (with support from The Carbon Project)

اسلاید 7: Geospatial Web Services...Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceWhat’s the best way to deploy SOA for our Geo-Assets?

اسلاید 8: Example of the ChallengeQuick look at interagency processes enabled by geospatial SOAFor example, regulatory permitting that requires data from US Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, USGS and others…

اسلاید 9: Geospatial Web Services...Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)EPA AnalystsEPA & COE Managers USGS NHD WFSGeospatial AssetsGovernanceFWS NWI WFSUSGS Contextual LayersWMS

اسلاید 10: What is SOA?SOA is software architecture oriented toward ServicesService-oriented architecture (SOA) describes a category of composite applications composed of service provider and service consumer components. SOA segregates business logic and offers location transparency for the service providers and consumers. The SOA approach lets you replace or upgrade individual components in the application without affecting other components or the process as a whole.

اسلاید 11: Common Definitions1. metadata describing the operations and geographic information available at a server [ISO 19128 draft]

اسلاید 12: Developing geoSOAModel Business ProcessElicit RequirementsDesignIntegrate and BuildTest andDeployMonitor and Manage

اسلاید 13: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI ProjectDefining Requirements and Processes

اسلاید 14: CONOPsUse Cases

اسلاید 15: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI Project

اسلاید 16: Concept of Operations (CONOPs)

اسلاید 17: Use Cases

اسلاید 18: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI Project

اسلاید 19: Online stream gaugesGeospatial InfrastructureBuilding and Property LossesGeo-Spatial Flood Maps USGS Water Data Flood planner Concerned Citizen Meteorologist HydrologistData/ Service ProviderConcept of Operations (CONOPs) Emergency ResponderSocio-Demographic StatisticsFlood Forecast1 Flood forecast are issued 2 Geo-Spatial Flood Maps are Generated 3 Building and Property Losses are Generated 4 Socio-Demographic Statistics are Generated Local Government DataBuilding Property Assessment, Socio-DemographicsDEM

اسلاید 20: Use Cases

اسلاید 21: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI Project

اسلاید 22: Geospatial InfrastructureData/ Service ProviderData Provider1. Publish2. Discover3. AccessProviderUserAgentData and ServicesRegistryWeb Application User NSDI Framework Other SDIData/ Service Provider User User User User User UserData/ Service ProviderData/ Service Provider 1 - Authentication 2 - Single Sign-On 3 - Access ControlData/ Service ProviderData/ Service ProviderData/ Service ProviderConcept of Operations (CONOPs)

اسلاید 23: USACE Data ProviderPortal ProviderSecurity ManagerNSDIData ProviderUSACE End User‘Keith’NSDIEnd User‘Jeff’ManageUsersManageRolesManageCredentialsManageGroupsManageAccess ControlRulesAuthorizeUsersAccess byFeatureAccess byRoleDeployDataAccess byGeographyUpdate by FeatureUpdate by RoleUpdate byOperation TypeAccess byOperation TypeUse Cases

اسلاید 24: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI ProjectDesigning and Deploying SOA

اسلاید 25: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI Project

اسلاید 26: Architecture

اسلاید 27: Sequence Diagrams

اسلاید 28: Zoom to AOISelect NWI polysInitiate WPS and name results setView/Add/Save metadataList processed featuresExamine mapAdd contextual layersUser Steps

اسلاید 29: Web Services in DevelopmentServiceDescriptionNational Wetlands Inventory – Web Feature Service Serves FWS wetland polygons through OGC-compliant WFS; supports Filter Encoding specification to constrain queries Intersection GeoAnalysis – Web Processing ServiceFind geometric intersection of features from two different sets of vector geometries accessed via WFS Proximity GeoAnalysis – Web Processing ServiceFinds distances between closest locations of features from two different sets of vector geometries accessed via WFS

اسلاید 30: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI Project

اسلاید 31: A SOA solution will provide a very cost effective solution SOA provides a platform to perform complex business processes Without SOA developing a process to cater all partners was unattainable SOA is inherently distributed with multiple services Service applications are heterogeneous It provides synchronous and asynchronous access to PI Complexity of service orchestration is handled by Accepted solution is BPEL Acts like the “middle man” or the “centralized web service” BPEL keeps process state in schema BPEL coordinates synchronous and asynchronous communication BPEL performs Receive, Assign, Invoke and Reply activities BPEL processes are deployed on ESB based on JBIDesigning a Geospatial SOA

اسلاید 32: Translating requirements into UML, documenting the process.Design

اسلاید 33: Translating UML into BPEL workflow: service composition and execution. LINK TO BPEL GRAPHIC.

اسلاید 34: Floods cause more death and destruction of property than any other natural hazard in the United States75% of all federally declared disasters are flood-related.The June 2008 floods in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and other parts of the Midwest reinforced the importance of this problem.<20 deaths but potentially billions of dollars in damage.Flooding

اسلاید 35: Flood planning, forecasting, and emergency response can all be greatly enhanced by integration of online Web services.Existing services include online NWS stream gauges and Weather forecasting services.Our project goal is to couple these to flood modeling services, loss estimation services, and mapping services.Connect these services end-to-end as workflows.Provide planning capabilities to mitigate extreme events.Provide alert systems to quickly estimate at-risk areasAutomate and streamline loss estimation to simplify disaster declartations. What can be done?

اسلاید 36: Ravenswood neighborhood of Indianapolis.Frequent flooding; site of IMA Virginia B. Fairbanks Art and Nature Park Extensive historical data, detailed elevation data, building inventoryProject Study Area

اسلاید 37:

اسلاید 38: Web Services in DevelopmentServiceDescriptionInundation Modeling ServiceWeb service wrapping of the USGS FastMECH service.Parcel Information ServiceExtract land parcel metadata from WFS: IDs, parcel centroids, etc.Building Information ServiceExtract building structural information, and assessed values from Indiana Department of Local Government and Finance databaseLoss Estimation ServiceUses HAZUS-MH as a backend service to perform Level 2 AnalysisMapping and Plotting ServiceExport inundation results as KML

اسلاید 39: Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)UsersCitizensData ProvidersGeospatial AssetsGovernanceAnalysis NSDI ProjectAccess-Control NSDI ProjectServices NSDI Project

اسلاید 40: Identity ManagementWeb ServerNSDI Framework siteWFS Request& ResponseClientScenario 1: NSDI Client accessing a local resourceAuthenticationLogin CookieWFS ResponseAccess ControlWFS RequestWFSIMSSOA Design and Role-based Access Control

اسلاید 41: Scenario 2: NSDI Client accessing a remote resourceIdentity ManagementWeb ServerOther ClientIdentity ManagementWeb ServerNSDI Framework siteWFS Request& ResponseClientOther SDI(Critical Infrastructure site)AuthenticationLogin CookieWFS ResponseWFS Request& ResponseWFS RequestAccess ControlCI FederationFine grain Access Control rules:NRCan Client: Feature ConstraintsSpatial Extent ConstraintsAccess ControlWFSIMSWFSIMSSOA Design and Role-based Access Control

اسلاید 42: DemonstrationGaiaViewerHTTPSIMSNSDI WFS(CubeSTOR)WFSCarbon ArcWMS &WFS Access Control RulesWMSAccess Control RulesAccess Control RulesArchitecture CubeSERVCubeSERVArcGIS 9.2 DesktopAny Windows Desktop

اسلاید 43: Testing - Role-based Access ControlAccess Control by –RoleGeographyFeatureOGC OperationRoles –NSDI User – ‘Jeff’EOC User – ‘Keith’DataProvider – ‘Edric’ WFS to Secure SDI clientJeffEdricKeithIsland of Galveston

اسلاید 44: Secure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 45: Secure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 46: JeffSecure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 47: JeffSecure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 48: JeffSecure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 49: JeffSecure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 50: JeffSecure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 51: Secure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 52: Secure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 53: Secure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 54: Secure SDI – Geographic Access Control

اسلاید 55: KeithJeff

اسلاید 56: JeffFree Secure SDI client available atwww.thecarbonportal.netSecure SDI – Feature Level Security

اسلاید 57: JeffSecure SDI – Feature Level Security

اسلاید 58: KeithSecure SDI – Feature Level Security

اسلاید 59: KeithSecure SDI – Feature Level Security

اسلاید 60: Secure SDI – By OGC Operation

اسلاید 61: Secure SDI – By OGC Operation

اسلاید 62: Secure SDI – By OGC Operation

اسلاید 63: Secure SDI – By OGC Operation

اسلاید 64: Free Secure SDI client available atwww.thecarbonportal.netSecure SDI – By OGC Operation

اسلاید 65: Access Controls Rules

اسلاید 66: Web Services in DevelopmentServiceDescriptionNSDI Web and Feature Service (available)Serves national-level roads, hydrography, and governmental units through OGC-compliant WMS/WFS; supports Filter Encoding to constrain queries Secure SDI Web Feature ServiceImplement role-based access control for national-level roads, hydrography, and governmental units via WFS and CubeWerx IMSIdentity Management ServiceEnables development of access control rules, single-sign on, authentication, access control and other security functions

اسلاید 67: Project DeliverablesWiki to all project documentsBest PracticesCommon termsProcesses and ModelsLessons LearnedWorking Services and Examples

اسلاید 68: Questions?

اسلاید 69: Best Practices in Geospatial SOANSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) 2008Best Practices in Geospatial Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ProjectContacts: Neil Devadasan, ndevadas@iupui.eduJeff Ehman, jeffe@imagemattersllc.comJeff Harrison, jharrison@cubewerx.com

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