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Homeopathy and its future

Homeopathy and its future_tabaye

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Homeopathy and its future

اسلاید 1: www.tabaye.ir

اسلاید 2: Homeopathy and its futureWho already knows olistic medicine, because maybe for several years he is healthy in this way or because he works professionally in her sector to different levels, has no doubts about energy that moves into us. Salvatore RainòDoctor in Medicine and SurgerySpecialist in Allergology and Clinical ImmunologySpecialist in Internal MedicineUnicist Homeopathic Doctor L.U.I.M.OLibera Università Internazionale di Medicina Omeopatica

اسلاید 3: Water the great Lady is the soul and the blood of the world.

اسلاید 4: Research goes on and comes into the invisible A world, commonly invisible, of vibrational kind, presides over the expression of the matter until to her most characteristic aspectsMasaru Emoto demonstrates that it is possible to speak to the water and also to influence her, by allowing her to assume several forms which then emphasize themselves when she crystallizes to - 5 C°

اسلاید 5: Water is the protagonist of lifeEnergies of various kinds, also bound to thoughts and feelings which are able to modify the shape in which water crystallizesEven waters that spring in different places of the world, such as in Lourdes, are characterized by crystals of a particular harmony and beauty, inviting us to understand that a “good” water structures herself in a corresponding way and creates pleasant shapes to eyesigth

اسلاید 6: Water crystals of high quality

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اسلاید 8: Action mechanisms of the waterWater has a molecular duttility that allows her to dialogue easily with the energy that is nearer to herTo express better her features, water needs to be the purest of all, especially from the informational viewpointTo get this purity is very hard, but today it is possible, through an original system patented by Dr. Rainò, that allows to get the purest of all waters, practically virgin from the viewpoint of memories

اسلاید 9: In the world of the invisibleAny kind of life is characterized by its own energy which determines images visible only with particular devices and methods Also a leaf gives her bioelectromagnetic aura

اسلاید 10:

اسلاید 11: Health is a question of originality of every living beingOnly a person can modulate one’s best reaction to feel better and so he must search for the information on which to work into his biologyBeyond our common biological matrix, we have different energetic situationsWe are not all equal

اسلاید 12: Nothing is without shape if we observe it Water crystals organize themselves in aggregates of informational kind, clusters, according to the angle between oxygen athoms and the hydrogenum ones

اسلاید 13:

اسلاید 14: Energy presides over shape

اسلاید 15: Shape permits energyLittle changes in the structural shape of the matter represent the memoryInformatics is based on thisThe configuration of cobalt crystals or silicium is at the basis of the electronic circuits memories

اسلاید 16: cristalli di cobalto in posizione di memoriaMemories of oriented Cobaltum at electronic mycroscope

اسلاید 17: Water as informatic system Water crystals behave as all crystals:They can resonate with electromagnetic waves which hit them, preserve their energy configuration with a characteristic information and broadcast it to other crystal structures which they are in contact with. This is the so called “memory of water”.Computer memory is just based on the microcrystal structures of chips; crystal-therapy is well known, it is based on the energetic interaction, that is electromagnetic waves exchange among living organisms and crystals

اسلاید 18: Limits of informatics in biologyIn informatics, the memory supports, as the ones quoted above, communicate by binary codeHowever, binary code permits only an ON-OFF dual signal

اسلاید 19: Biotronic (Rainò)Instead we can imagine a myriad of broadcasting signals much more faithful to the biological language which are not “forced” to be mediated by electronic, informatic, binary logics

اسلاید 20: Water particularity compared to other underlayersThe memory kind mediable and elaborable thanks to water is different from the electronic ones and it is instead particularly suited to biological realities and to emissions different from the ones with an only rectilinear propagation as electromagnetic waves

اسلاید 21: Transmissions are not only electronicBiophotons (Nobel Prize F.A.Popp) move themselves by an elicoidal movement from a cell to another one and so they allow communication

اسلاید 22:

اسلاید 23: Agreement among sciencesQuantistic physics moves itself towards the explanation of the homeopathy mechanisms and it explains the functioning of the organism by discovering even more the aspects bound to pure energy which is at the basis of life

اسلاید 24: Connections among methods devoted to person energy Homeopathic medicine is just assimilated to a particular form of magnetotherapyAdvantages of various kinds of magnetotherapy seem, in many cases, to remind the ones obtainble with homeopathy or with methods to it related

اسلاید 25: Foundations of homeopaty The basic principle of homeopathy consists in giving a stimulus to the organism as similar as possible to the condition which characterizes and represents it but stronger to allow the overcoming of the same

اسلاید 26:

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اسلاید 28: Water dialoguesSome experiments demonstrate that water into a container assumes a taste which reminds that of a liquid contained into a side containerWater and all the water dilutions dialogue among themselves also without mixing the matterAlso the purest of all waters dialogues, as a “bluetooth” with a cellular-phone, exchanging information with our organism

اسلاید 29: We are almost completely made up of waterA lot of scientific studies demonstrate that our health conditions are strictly bound to organism water characteristics considered as an energetic vehicleFor example, in various serious deseases, as cancer, the water of a person has lost her normal behaviourProbably, the fastest way of the organism to broadcast information from a portion to another one of the biogical systems is water, more than the blood system, more than the linfatic one, more than the endocrin and the nervous oneIt is very important that the water of the organism is pure and suited to the aim over which she presides

اسلاید 30: Water styleInformation transmittibility by water is better understandble as a synchronized modulation of the possible conformational mixings among her molecules, having a speed as that of light, the same of biophotons

اسلاید 31: What wellbeing meansWhen a person drinks some water of a spring or he immerses himself in, he feels an absolute happiness sensation, a great joy of living and a full harmonyThe body becomes light and a lot of disconforts go away, leaving an unforgettable memory of wellbeing in the personThis is the informing action of the purest of all waters that mediates the subtile energies of the cosmos from the universe to the living entity

اسلاید 32: There is water and waterThis is why the sensations felt by an immersion in the sea water are completely different from the ones evoked by spring water just come to the surface very fast from the underground

اسلاید 33: What is water? Water is a fluid with very interesting capacities of informatic kindShe can recognize the energy of an underlayer, a piece of information, and she can acquire it and give it to another underlayer She is able to “resound” with cosmic frequences that represent the unrenounciable conditions for life and for health The informational purity of water is an indispensable requirement so that this precious element of the universe could develop her functions of energetic vehicle in a better wayThe chemical aspects are very different from the ones of energetic nature and the informational purity of the water is more important than her chemical purity

اسلاید 34: Homeopathy is based on the w a t e r

اسلاید 35: Steps of the diagnostic and therapeutic homeopathic processTo recognize the action a remedy in the healthy subjects (collection of the symptoms and preparing of the “Homeopathic Materia Medica” which codifies them)To recognize the same totality of the corresponding symptoms in the patient (extraction of the symptoms from the person with the diagnosis)To link, with the similitudo criterion, the two pictures and to prescribe the exact remedy, but at the right potency

اسلاید 36: The right remedyIt is as coinciding as possible with the picture of the patient and it respects the adequacy among the symptoms, mental, general and particular, characteristic of the situation

اسلاید 37: The right potencyIt is the one that does not produce an aggravation if not light and transient as well as followed by a rapid improvingIn practical terms, the remedy potency increases with the repetition of dilution and dynamization proceedings of the water vehicle in which the substance was dilutedThe choice of the dose or potency follows empiric criteria bound to the professional maturity of the operator

اسلاید 38: Questions bound to the homeopathic diagnostic-therapeutic proceeding Knowledge of the remedy symptoms collected in the materia medica Expressive clearness of the symptoms during the visitRisks of diagnostic misunderstanding

اسلاید 39: Features of the production process of the homeopathic remedyThe substance is tranformed in remedy thanks to dilution in water and to the dynamizationPractically the information is extracted from the material level of the substance and her signal undergoes to expansion until it regards the deepest mental levels if we go on with processes of a homeopathic kind

اسلاید 40: Homeopathic remedyThis is the energy that corresponds to an experimentator stimulated by the remedy, but also to a patient in his own spontaneous imbalanceThe remedy is at the center between the experimental symptoms and the spontaneous onesBioresonance works by this principle and it is at the basis of the homeopathy functioning

اسلاید 41: Experimentator Remedy PatientHealthy subject Symptoms Sick

اسلاید 42: Questions of stimulus potencyTheorically there is a stimulus potency that is not able to overcome the illnessHowever the right potency solves the disease picture in a precise way and without further aggravation

اسلاید 43: Nihil prodest quid non laedere possit idem (nothing is useful that could not also damage)Remedy switches on, in a healthy man, and switches off, in the ill man, the same symptomatologySo the symptoms are at the center of a possible oscillation between health and illnessHealth and illness are into two opposit sides compared to the remedy, but they correspond

اسلاید 44: Relationships between remedy and patient Therefore the patient corresponds to the same energy that the remedy applies on the experimentatorThis means that the patient expresses an energy that can be used on himself as it could be the same of the remedy

اسلاید 45: Homeopathy on the crossroad between past and futureBy loocking again at the sequency of the logic proceedings in homeopathic medicine, I have worked out a device which, without being distant from the central core on which hahnemannian homeopathy is based, uptakes the right information of a person in an original way and elaborates it so that it can result made to measure of the situation of the patient moment by moment

اسلاید 46:

اسلاید 47: Origins of the information by the new homeopathic systemThe organism expresses its energetic setting moment by moment in relation to the situation that represents itselfThis signal flows from the energetical doors of people and it is useful to impregnate an informatic vehicle which runs in a suited sensor with themselves connectedWe can give an energy increase of the signal without twisting the quality of the informationThe signal can be given back to the organism in a real time so that it is possible to create an osmosis of some information that could result therapeutic as a homeopathic remedy

اسلاید 48: Hydrobiotronic SystemConnect yourself with your power to be healthy The organism gives out energy that can be recognized and increased and then given back to stimulate the recovery

اسلاید 49: Hydrobiotronic is a new line that, by working on the water, helps the biology Into Hydrobiotronic System there is, for example, the H3O System, Hahnemannian Homeopathic Holographic Organizer

اسلاید 50: Characteristics of Hydrobiotronic SystemThe system used by Hydrobiotronic employes all the physic, chemical, informatic and bioenergetic knowledges that support the scientifical foundations of the homeopathy but which are not far from the most advanced aims of the current sciencesMeanwhile this system is not distant from the hahnemannian rules that are at the basis of the unicist homeopathy

اسلاید 51:

اسلاید 52:

اسلاید 53: Functioning of the methodThe informatic vehicle used by the method is the waterShe is put in the conditions to acquire, tranport and to leave signals bound to information of homeopathic kind thanks to an original type of treatment, protected by the patent of the system which we are speaking about

اسلاید 54:

اسلاید 55: Easiness of the systemHydrobiotronic System is easy, suitable, nice to be seen and to be provedThe patient must only connect himself with a lighting sensor on his own third eye and he will immediately be in connection with the process of diagnosis and therapyHe will dialogue with Hydrobiotronic through a sensor for few seconds and he will feel a pleasant sensationWe must consider that the sensor light, put to few centimeters from the left hand, gives a particular vibrational sensation, because this hand is the more receptive in relation to the bioenergetical knowledegesThen the patient will administer under his tongue the homeopathic granules prepared by the device and he will take the information which he needs in that momentHe can repeat the application in relation to the intensity of the trouble, as if he may administer a remedy, until to the resolution of the problem

اسلاید 56: Few minutes of easeness for well beingWe will often avoid to call our homeopathic doctor to ask him for what remedy we can useInstead we will sit few minutes beside Hydrobiotronic and we will have fastly the best stimulus in that time for our organismThanks to device, the granules will be loaded with the right information taken from ourselves and energized as much as we need for obtaining the recovery, starting from the energy which in that moment characterizes our situation

اسلاید 57: The homeopathic consultationDuring the visits, people will approach Hydrobiotronic and express their own energetic core, taking then the granules right in that momentSo, a valid help in addition to the therapeutic work can permit the patient to relationate with himself in a constructive way

اسلاید 58: Actuality of the methodHydrobiotronic System inserts itself, at pace with the times, in the contest of the bioenergetic medicine as a flower in a buttonhole of the homeopathic self care It respects the classical homeopathy, expressing its potential in a modern way as well as her discoverer could do today

اسلاید 59:

اسلاید 60: Safety and efficacy of HydrobiotronicThe device operates according to the most important homeopathic principles and is based on the magnetotherapy, so it cannot have undesired or unpredictable effectsThe provings done on a reasonable number of situations have demonstrated speed of action in the temporary imbalancesA deep and progressive action is clear, by daily taking, in the cases of therapies more complicated that request a rielaboration of the contents on the more articulated and intimate plains

اسلاید 61: Wellbeing is above all awareness

اسلاید 62: Hydrobiotronic: beside us in our real needsHow many times our illness is determined by emotional tensions, feats, disappointments, lacked expectations that block our energy?Why to take a drug?Why to risk to miss the remedy?Let’s put us in front of ourselves, to our energy and let’s modulate it by the help of the friend water and of the homeopathic proceedings that operate authomatically in HydrobiotronicPerhaps Hydrobiotronic corresponds to our hidden desires and it has always a right idea to give us in the right time

اسلاید 63: Practicality of HydrobiotronicThe system can be held in a little suitcase that we can bring with us also during a travelBy the diffusion of the idea, we will have the method anywhereThe action of Hydrobiotronic will be employed as a shower, a hair-drier or a toothbrush!

اسلاید 64:

اسلاید 65: Hydrobiotronic SystemTomorrow, already in our hands, from the better of today in homeopathyHealth and wellbeing for all people, in an easy and safe way, according to the homeopathic rules, according to the principal scientific criteria of the olistic therapy

اسلاید 66: Inventiveness of the idea, potential economic exploit, warranties of success The idea, however new, is absolutely easy to understand for the users of the homeopathy and it can provoke the attention of a number of people that, just in Italy, are more than 10.000.000The economic exploit is bound to achieve the potential target by recognizing the exposure fairs and the sites of divulgation in the specific sectorThe product satisfies a not yet satisfied but present need in the interested market, so that the financial effort is highly justified

اسلاید 67: The immediate future of Hydrobiotronic SystemMoreover the idea, by the diffusion of her efficacy, can gain markets not also specialistic and challenge the attention of the official scientific world, by creating an extraordinary interest, expecially if contemporarly the researches will go on investigating in the multiple situations in which the method can function

اسلاید 68: Fields, thecnologies and productions in relation to the inventivity of the ideaMedical devices in genereEnergetic diagnostic and therapyMagnetotherapy and PhysiotherapyInformatics and electronics of biological interestIdrotherapyProduction of the homeopathic remedies with new techniques based on new principlesBetter standardization of the informational purity of the water used for the preparation of the remedies and not only

اسلاید 69: Fields, thecnologies and productions in relation to the inventivity of the ideaOptimizzation of the organolectical charactheristics of the food, in the production as well in the storageIntelligent agriculture, with diagnosis of the energetic state of the cultivation and right therapy (in this way some studies already exhist and can support the method)

اسلاید 70: Fields, thecnologies and productions in relation to the inventivity of the ideaThe basic principles on which the invention works also involve the world of mechanics and particularly the sector of the lubrificants with important results in the efficiency of the cooling (thanks to the modification of the reologic parameters of the fluids)

اسلاید 71: We are never so over, as when we don’t know anymore where we are (Goethe).

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