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Saving Energy


در نمایش آنلاین پاورپوینت، ممکن است بعضی علائم، اعداد و حتی فونت‌ها به خوبی نمایش داده نشود. این مشکل در فایل اصلی پاورپوینت وجود ندارد.

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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “Saving Energy”

Saving Energy

اسلاید 1: How To Use This Lesson Go-Givers’ PowerPoints are designed to inform and support critical thinking and discussion. They can be used in their entirety. However, please feel free to save this lesson to your computer and edit, omit or add content as appropriate for your pupils. Please remember: Always show the PowerPoint in ‘slide show’ view. Links and animations will only work when in this mode. The green dot in the bottom right hand corner of the slide indicates when the slide animation is complete. The Learning Activities are intended for use in conjunction with the PowerPoints and are linked at the end.

اسلاید 2: Learning ObjectivesTo take part in a simple debate about topical issues.To realise that people and other living things have needs, and that we have responsibilities to meet them. To know what improves and harms our local, natural and built environments, and about some of the ways people look after them.

اسلاید 3: Saving Energy

اسلاید 4: The sun warms us and gives us light during the day.

اسلاید 5: At night, and during the colder months, we need light and warmth from other sources…

اسلاید 6: …. and we also need heat for cooking.

اسلاید 7: Since early times, people have lit fires ….…. but fires make smoke, and are not convenient in modern homes.

اسلاید 8: So how do we usually heat and light our homes?Clue 2Clue 1

اسلاید 9: The electricity which we use is mostly made by burning coal or gas in power stations.

اسلاید 10: And our central heating boilers usually burn gas or oil.

اسلاید 11: The trouble is, this makes lots of ‘greenhouse’ gases which scientists believe are warming up the Earth and the air around it.

اسلاید 12: The ice in the arctic is melting, and the polar bears’ habitat is shrinking.

اسلاید 13: In some hot countries, there is less rain, and rivers are drying up.

اسلاید 14: In places the land is becoming so dry that the farmers can no longer grow crops.

اسلاید 15: So what can YOU do to stop global warming?

اسلاید 16: You can turn off the lights when you don’t need them!

اسلاید 17: Suggest that the grown ups who do the shopping buy energy saving light bulbs.

اسلاید 18: Ask an adult to turn the heating down a notch …and set the clock so that it is on for less time.

اسلاید 19: Remind everyone to keep the doors and windows shut when the heating is on, to keep the warmth in.

اسلاید 20: You wear clothes to keep in your body heat.Find out if your home is insulated to keep the warmth from escaping through the roof.

اسلاید 21: Ask the people who put the kettle on to fill it only with the amount of water that is needed. That way it will take less energy to bring it to the boil.

اسلاید 22: Remind the people who do the cooking to put lids on the saucepans to keep the heat in while the food is cooking?

اسلاید 23: Switch off! Don’t leave it on standby!If you can see a light like this when the TV is off, it is using almost as much energy as if it was on!

اسلاید 24: Theres lots you can doto help the World!

اسلاید 25: Go-Giversget doing!

اسلاید 26: Remember:Switch Off!

اسلاید 27: Glossaryconvenient – handy, suitableSource - starting placeHabitat - home, surroundingsThermostat – a switch which turns something off when it reaches a given temperature.Insulation – material which isolates things from the outside air temperature.

اسلاید 28: Activities to complete this lesson include: Rate this lesson here. Click on the image above to view and/or download learning activities.‘best insulators’ experiment on/off switch activity energy survey

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در صورت نیاز با شماره 09353405883 در واتساپ، ایتا و روبیکا تماس بگیرید.

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