ایمنی مواد شیمیایی خواص فیزیکی و شیمیایی مواد
اسلاید 1: ایمنی مواد شیمیایی خواص فیزیکی و شیمیایی مواد Physical and Chemical Properties
اسلاید 2: خواص فیزیکی و شیمیایی موادوزن مولکولیحالت فیزیکی: جامد , مایع و گازشکل فیزیکیرنگبواسیدیتهحلالیت آبحلالیت در حلالهای آبیوزن مخصوص نسبت به آب (دانسیته )فرمول شیمیاییدمای انفجار دمای خود آتشگیرینقطه اشتعالنقطه ذوبنقطه جوشفشار بخار
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اسلاید 5: خواص فیزیکی و شیمیایی موادنقطه ذوب: دمایی است كه در آن دما یك جسم شروع به ذوب شدن می كند.نقطه جوش: دمایی است كه در آن دما یك جسم شروع به جوشیدن می كند.
اسلاید 6: چگاليجرم يك حجم واحد از يك جسم را چگالي مينامند.ارشميدس كشف كرد كه اگر جسمي را در آب فرو برند، مقداري از وزن آن كاسته ميشود. مقدار كاهش وزن مساوي با وزن آبي است كه جسم جاي آن را گرفته است. اين دانشمند تاجي را در آب فرو برد و آب جابجا شده را اندازه گرفت. بعد قطعهاي طلا كه وزنش مساوي تاج بود در آب فرو برد و آب جابجا شده را اندازه گرفت. آنگاه ديد كه تاج بيشتر از طلا آب را جابجا كرده است و فهميد كه تاج از طلاي خالص نيست. اما اگر يك قطعه نقره و يك قطعه طلا با حجم مساوي را درنظر بگيريم، ميتوانيم بگوييم طلا سنگينتر است. جرمهايي كه حجم مساوي داشته باشند و از اجسام مختلف باشند، چگالي مختلف دارند. چون تاج از قطعه طلايي كه حجمش با آن مساوي بود، سبكتر بود لذا چگالي آن كمتر بود. واحد چگالي در سيستم متريك، گرم بر سانتيمتر مكعب است.
اسلاید 7: چگاليبراي اينكه چگاليها را بصورت عدد درآوريم، بايد اجسامي را كه چگالي مختلف دارند با يكديگر مقايسه و مقياس اصلي را انتخاب كنيم. دانشمندان براي مايعات و جامدات، آب و براي گازها، هوا را مقياس اصلي قرار دادهاند. يك سانتيمتر مكعب آب، يك گرم جرم دارد. بنابراين چگالي آب در سيستم متريك، يك گرم بر سانتيمتر است. نسبت چگاليها به مقياس اصلي را با كلمهي (( مخصوص )) نشان ميدهيم. نسبت چگالي يك جسم به چگالي مقياس اصلي، وزن مخصوص ناميده ميشود. مثلاً چگالي طلا 3/19 گرم در سانتيمترمكعب است، يعني يك سانتيمتر مكعب طلا جرمي معادل 3/19 گرم دارد. بنابراين طلا 3/19 برابر آب چگالي دارد يا وزن مخصوص طلا 3/19 است. ما ميتوانيم چگالي هر يك از حالتهاي ماده يعني جامد و مايع و گاز را تعيين كنيم. ابتدا جرم آن و سپس حجم آن را معين ميكنيم، آنگاه جرم را به حجم تقسيم ميكنيم تا چگالي را بدست آوريم. جرم را ميتوانيم با ترازو معين كنيم. ما ميتوانيم حجم جامداتي را كه شكل منظم دارند محاسبه كنيم. براي تعيين حجم جامداتي كه شكل منظم ندارند، آنها را در آب فرو ميبريم و حجم آب جابجا شده را اندازه ميگيريم.
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اسلاید 11: چگالي مخلوط يا آلياژ چند جسم
اسلاید 12: چگالي مخلوط يا آلياژ چند جسم
اسلاید 13: نام ماده : اسيد سولفوريكH2SO4 كاربرد : اسيد سازي ـ خمير مالي ـ فرماسيون
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اسلاید 23: The physical properties of an object are defined traditionally in a Newtonian sense; the physical properties of an object may include, but are not limited to: absorptionalbedoareabrittlenessboiling pointcapacitancecolorconcentrationdensitydielectricductilitydistributionefficacyelectric chargelocationluminancelustermalleabilitymagnetic fieldmagnetic fluxmassmelting pointmomentmomentumpermeabilityPermittivitypressureelectrical conductivityelectrical impedanceelectric fieldelectric potentialemissionflexibilityflow ratefluidityfrequencyinductanceIntrinsic impedanceintensityirradiancelengthradiancesolubilityspecific heatresistivityreflectivityspinstrengthtemperaturetensionthermal conductivityvelocityviscosityvolumewave impedance
اسلاید 24: Physical properties include:appearance, texture, color, odor, melting point, boiling point, density, solubility, polarity, and many others.The three states of matter are: solid, liquid, and gas. The melting point and boiling point are related to changes of the state of matter. All matter may exist in any of three physical states of matter.
اسلاید 25: Physical Changes:A physical change takes place without any changes in molecular composition. The same element or compound is present before and after the change. The same molecule is present through out the changes. Physical changes are related to physical properties since some measurements require that changes be made.Melting Point: As solid matter is heated it eventually melts or changes into a liquid state at the melting point. Ice (a solid form of water) melts at 0 oC and changes to the liquid state.Carbon dioxide melts at -56.6oCBoiling Point: As the liquid matter is heated further it eventually boils or vaporizes into a gas at the boiling point. Liquid water boils and changes into a gas, usually called steam or water vapor at 100 oC. In all three states the same molecules of water (H2O) are present.
اسلاید 26: Examples of chemical properties ReactivityHeat of combustionEnthalpy of formationToxicityChemical stability in a given environmentFlammabilityPreferred oxidation state(s)Coordination numberCapability to undergo a certain set of transformations, for example molecular dissociation, chemical combination, redox reactions under certain physical conditions in the presence of another chemical substancePreferred types of chemical bonds to form, for example metallic, ionic, covalentFor example, hydrogen has the potential to ignite and explode given the right conditions. This is a chemical property.Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. This is a chemical property.
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اسلاید 29: Carbon dioxide boils at -78.5oCIn the graphic on the left a block of dry ice as a solid is changing to the gaseous state. The molecules of CO2 are present throughout.
اسلاید 30: Sublimation:Iodine has a relatively unique property in that it can change directly from a solid to a gaseous state without going through the liquid state. As the iodine is heated it undergoes a physical change to the gas state as shown in the graphic on the left. Iodine in the gas state is a beautiful violet color.
اسلاید 31: What are Chemical Properties and Changes?Chemical Properties:Chemical properties of matter describes its potential to undergo some chemical change or reaction by virtue of its composition. What elements, electrons, and bonding are present to give the potential for chemical change. It is quite difficult to define a chemical property without using the word change. Eventually you should be able to look at the formula of a compound and state some chemical property. At this time this is very difficult to do and you are not expected to be able to do it.For example hydrogen has the potential to ignite and explode given the right conditions. This is a chemical property.Metals in general have they chemical property of reacting with an acid. Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. This is a chemical property.
اسلاید 32: Chemical Changes or Reactions: Chemical Changes or Reactions:Chemical change results in one or more substances of entirely different composition from the original substances. The elements and/or compounds at the start of the reaction are rearranged into new product compounds or elements.A CHEMICAL CHANGE alters the composition of the original matter. Different elements or compounds are present at the end of the chemical change. The atoms in compounds are rearranged to make new and different compounds.Magnesium reacts with oxygen from the air producing an extremely bright flame. This is a chemical change since magnesium oxide has completely different properties than magnesium metal shown on the left. Safety: Do not try this without supervision and DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE LIGHT!The atoms are rearranged - diatomic oxygen molecules are split apart so that one oxygen atom combines with one magnesium atom.
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اسلاید 34: Oxidation of Iron - a chemical change: Oxidation of Iron - a chemical change:For example iron has the potential to rust given the right conditions. This is a chemical property.If iron does rust, this is a slow chemical change since rust is an iron oxide with different properties than iron metal.In the graphic on the left, iron or steel wool is burning in a fast reaction with oxygen as contrasted with the slow rusting of iron also with oxygen.In the element iron only atoms of iron are in contact with each other. In the element oxygen each oxygen is joined with one other to make a diatomic molecule. These atoms and molecules are rearranged so that two iron atoms combine with three atoms of oxygen to form a new compound.
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اسلاید 36: Alka Seltzer The reactions in both of the (left and lower) cases start when a solid tablet is dropped into water. The chemicals in dry solid form must dissolve in the water before a reaction may take place. In both cases gas bubbles are observed. This is an initial chemical reaction. A flaming or glowing splint is used to test for the identity of the gases by using their chemical properties.Reactions:Alka-Seltzer: (Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate) NaHCO3 + Citric acid ---> CO2 + H2O + Sodium Citrate QUES.: Define chemical property. Then use this definition to describe the behavior toward the flaming splint for carbon dioxide in the example on the left.Answer: A chemical property defines whether a chemical reaction will or will not take place. Because the flame goes out, this shows that the chemical property of carbon dioxide gas is that no combustion reaction can take place in its presence.
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اسلاید 38: Efferdent The reactions in both of the (left and upper) cases start when a solid tablet is dropped into water. The chemicals in dry solid form must dissolve in the water before a reaction may take place. In both cases gas bubbles are observed. A flaming or glowing splint is used to test for the identity of the gases.Reaction: Efferdent: (sodium perborate - a source of hydrogen peroxide) = H2O2 + catalyst ---> O2 + H2OQUES.: Define chemical property. Then use this definition to describe the difference in behavior toward the flaming splint for both gases in the above examples.
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اسلاید 40: Zinc and Iodine Reaction The reaction in this case is between two elements, zinc metal and iodine. Both look sort of grayish in the photo. The reaction is started between the dry powders by adding a few drops of water. The reaction occurs as a combination reaction between the two elements to produce a single compound. During the reaction zinc metal gives two electrons to two iodine atoms to produce zinc +2 ions and iodide -1 ions.The reaction is: Zn metal + I2 ----> ZnI2The reaction between the two elements to produce zinc iodide is very exothermic. Some of the unreacted iodine solid is heated to a gaseous iodine which is purple in color.QUES.: A molecule is only defined as the simplest part of a compound with two or more atoms. (True or False)QUES.: For an exothermic reaction, heat is given off in the process. (True or False)QUES.: The fact that unreacted iodine changes to gaseous iodine is a: chemical or physical change?
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اسلاید 42: Chemical and Physical properties Examples of physical properties are: color, smell, freezing point, boiling point, melting point, infra-red spectrum, attraction (paramagnetic) or repulsion (diamagnetic) to magnets, opacity, viscosity and density. Examples of chemical properties are: heat of combustion, reactivity with water, PHelectromotive force.
اسلاید 43: Chemical and Physical properties Physical properties: Properties that do not change the chemical nature of matter Chemical properties: Properties that do change the chemical nature of matter
اسلاید 44: Chemical and Physical properties Changes in Properties of MatterPhysical property changes of matter do not produce a new substance and are typically described by the following: Color – every object has a colorOdor – intensity of smellDensity – mass divided by volumeLuster – how shiny it isDuctility – ability to be drawn into thin wiresMalleability – ability to be beaten into thin sheetsElasticity – ability to return to original shapeHardness – ability to be scratchedConductivity – allows energy flow, electricity or heatInsulator – resists flow of energy, electricity or heatOrganic/Inorganic – was once alive or is alive/was never aliveChemical property changes of matter produces a new substance and can be typically described by the following:Color – change in color indicates a chemical changeTemperature – change in temperature indicates a chemical change
اسلاید 45: Standard enthalpy of formation The standard enthalpy of formation or standard heat of formation of a compound is the change of enthalpy that accompanies the formation of 1 mole of a substance in its standard state from its constituent elements in their standard states (the most stable form of the element at 1 bar of pressure and the specified temperature, usually 298.15 K or 25 degrees Celsius). Its symbol is ΔHfO or ΔfHO.For example, the standard enthalpy of formation of carbon dioxide would be the enthalpy of the following reaction under the conditions above:C(s,graphite) + O2(g) → CO2(g) The standard enthalpy of formation is measured in units of energy per amount of substance. Most are defined in kilojoules per mole (kJ mol−1), but can also be measured in calories per mole, joules per mole or kilocalories per gram (any combination of these units conforming to the energy per mass or amount guideline). In physics the energy per particle is often expressed in electronvolts which corresponds to about 100 kJ mol−1.All elements in their standard states (oxygen gas, solid carbon in the form of graphite, etc.) have a standard enthalpy of formation of zero, as there is no change involved in their formation.
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اسلاید 47: Laboratory absorber. 1a): CO2 inlet; 1b): H2O inlet; 2): outlet; 3): absorption column; 4): packing
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اسلاید 49: The colors of the visible light spectrum[1]The colors of the visible light spectrum[1]The colors of the visible light spectrum[1]colorwavelength intervalfrequency intervalred~ 700–635 nm~ 430–480 THzorange~ 635–590 nm~ 480–510 THzyellow~ 590–560 nm~ 510–540 THzgreen~ 560–490 nm~ 540–610 THzblue~ 490–450 nm~ 610–670 THzviolet~ 450–400 nm~ 670–750 THzThe colors of the visible light spectrum1
اسلاید 50: These glasses containing red dye demonstrate qualitative changes in concentration. The solutions on the left are more dilute, compared to the more concentrated solutions on the right
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اسلاید 52: IAVIIIB 1 H IIA Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** Periodic Table of the Elements ** IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB He2 LiBe B C N O F Ne3 Na Mg IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA VIII VIII VIII IB IIB Al Si P S Cl Ar4 KCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr5 RbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAgCdInSnSbTeIXe6Cs BaLaHfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn7 FrRaAcRfDbSgBhHsMtUunUuuUub CePrNdPmSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLu ThPaUNpPuAmCmBkCfEsFmMdNoLr Metals Metalloid Nonmetals Liquids at 20 CNameDensity(a)Electronic ConfigurationHeat of vap.(b)Atomic NumberMelting PointOxidation StatesHeat of fus.(b)Atomic Weight (c)Boiling PointHalf Life (d)S. heat (b)No. Stable IsotopesRadio Isotopes (e)Decay ParticleE.N.(f)I.P.(g)Bond Radius(h)Atomic Radius(h)
اسلاید 53: (a) g/cm3 (b) kJ/mol (c) Atomic weight in ( ) = mass number of most stable isotope (d) Half life of most abundant radioactive isotope (e) Number of naturally occuring radioactive isotopes (f) Electronegativity (g) Ionization potential (volts) (h) Angstroms NameDensity(a)Electronic ConfigurationHeat of vap.(b)Atomic NumberMelting PointOxidation StatesHeat of fus.(b)Atomic Weight (c)Boiling PointHalf Life (d)S. heat (b)No. Stable IsotopesRadio Isotopes (e)Decay ParticleE.N.(f)I.P.(g)Bond Radius(h)Atomic Radius(h)
اسلاید 54: خسته نباشید
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