اسلاید 1: Bony orbitOrbital marginWall of the orbit;-roof, lat. Wall, floor, med. WallFissures , canal, & foramina;-sup. Orbital fissure; -transmits oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, & ophthalmic nerves (three branches), & ophthalmic veins-inf. Orbital fissure; -transmits the maxillary nerve and its zygomatic branch & infraorbital vessels
اسلاید 2: Optic canal;-transmits the optic nerve & ophthalmic arteryInfraorbital groove & foramen;-transmit infraorbital nerve & vesselsSupraorbital notch or foramen;-transmits supraorbital nerve & vesselsAnt. & post. Ethmoidal foramina;-transmit ant. & post. Ethmoidal nerves & vessels, respectivelyNasolacrimal canal;-transmits nasolacrimal duct
اسلاید 3: Nerves of the orbitOphthalmic nerves;-lacrimal nerves; -through sup. Orbital fissure -giving rise lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, & skin of the upper eyelid-frontal nerve; -superior to levator palpebral superior -divided; supraorbital, supratrochlear
اسلاید 4: Nasociliary nerve;-within the common tendinous ring-gives rise; -communicating to ciliary ganglion -short ciliary (carry postganglionic parasympathetic & sympathetic fibers to ciliary body & iris) -long ciliary (transmit postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the dilator pupillae & afferent fibers from iris & cornea -ant. Ethmoidal: int. & ext. nasal -post. Ethmoidal: sphenoidal & post. Ethmoidal sinuses -infratrochlear; eyelid, conjunctive, skin of nose, & lacrimal sac
اسلاید 5: Optic nerve;-axons of the ganglionic cells of the retina-carries afferent optic fibers from the retina to the brain-joins the optic nerve form the optic chisma
اسلاید 6: Occulomotor nerve;-divides into sup. & inf. Divisions-sup. Division: sup. Rectus & levator palpebral sup.-inf. Division: rectus med., inf. & inf. Oblique -carries preganglionic parasympathetic (Edinger Westphal nucleus) to ciliary ganglion
اسلاید 7: Trochlear nerve;-lat. Wall cavernous sinus-innervates sup. ObliqueAbducens nerve;- lat. Wall cavernous sinus-supplies lat. RectusCiliary ganglion;Between optic nerve & lat. Rectu
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