صفحه 1:
Cloud Cowputiagy ia the Cuterprise ‎he Obad Oowputay Bra Dew 1) Dodets Por Busiwess‏ ۰ 1۲ موق ‎Oral & Ienwrvation, Prock Bows, GOP & Chef Boast, 0‏ ‎Claud Gervices Orchtevture:(Duhtay sease oF ‏)ما ,ود‎ cow ‎

صفحه 2:

صفحه 3:
‎Omens an‏ او وا سا ‎ ‏دوه (1) حاءوميوج() 5 ‎server ts “va acd sowewhere”‏ © - ‎Onrtustzaicd PlaPorns & PPIs‏ * واه کات نوی وا موی ول وبا

صفحه 4:
۱۹ (( are we trvisty to solve? S. Portcbtity 9. Colaboratica ‏.م”‎ Couble cew stuPP thot we coulda't do beP ore!

صفحه 5:
WAN ۳ " 5 The internet's undersea world

صفحه 6:

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
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صفحه 9:
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صفحه 10:
Weeder Ot سیب بو ۰ — @roe-graced = Osene-boved (of east wvakble ‏(مصامت جه جه‎ * Oser toterPace: browsers und their sucesso Gystew ttterPace: Deb services BP Is (Gg eet peep ae ee ea eee see he shared resvurves) ‎research Pee DO‏ و بط

صفحه 11:
مسا 091 . * "its to vbievts" © Odhue-udd Por existiocy products — Ould ‏اوه وی و‎

صفحه 12:
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صفحه 13:
Oka!'s 7 (Ona ‏و‎ - Opex . user Couevt — Bugger Logic (a O-Paciy looquage sicviar 7 C#) ٠ Oicrvsch! — Baur - OCT kosted ic OG ‏سمل‎

صفحه 14:
Oka!'s vut there reht wow — Ga (GoPiware us u Service) Google ١ ‏تومم‎ Work. Online salesforce.com 2 ‏بیع‎ ]: © WIDEN roe bern’ STRIKEIRON

صفحه 15:
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صفحه 16:
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صفحه 17:
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صفحه 18:
Phe Cloud (Provider Coutituucz “Retail Ecosystem” “Supplier Ecosystem” ‏ور‎ ‎Closer to the Closer to the Developer/User SysAdmin/Ops Infrastructure-as-a-Service _forcecom: Platform-as-a-Service

صفحه 19:
® Chad Teckortloyy RePereuce Oodel ۱ ‏ل‎ ON OLN ca Testing, Monitoring, Facilities & 1 Logistics Diagnostics, and Verification

صفحه 20:
‎Oodet‏ ی مه م۱۸۰۵ ‎CN ica ia ae coe oe ‎Logistics and ‎Verification ‎Element Resource ‏ی‎ ‎59 Manageme: Management oor nes Facilities & 9 8 Diagnostics, as ‎Software & Hardwai ‎

صفحه 21:
‎Oodet‏ ی مه م۱۸۰۵ ‏انا ‎Lifecycle ‎lure, Recovery, Death) ‎Web of Metadata Testing, ‎Categories, Capabilities, Configurations & Dependencies Monitoring, ‎Diagnostics, ‎Element Resource and Facilities & Management Mana, Verification ‎Logistics ‎Software & Hardware Infrastructure ‎

صفحه 22:
‎Oodet‏ ی مه م۱۸۰۵ ‎aS ee‏ ما م۱ ‎Architectural Views Governance (e.g. scalability, availability, recovery, ‎data quality, security) Testing, Monitoring, ‎Diagnostics, ‎and ‎Verification ‎Web of Metadata ‘ategories, bit figurations & Dependenci ‎

صفحه 23:
CRO A masa Your Application Architectural Views Governance Lifecycle (Birth, Growth, Failure, Recovery, Death) Testing, Monitoring, Metadata Diagnostics, and Verification Element Resource Management Management Software & Hardware Infrastructure Facilities & Logistics

صفحه 24:
:حصصاا 0 شوه طه|» ۷۷۸۳۴ id) Testing, Your Monitoring, Diagnostics, Problem and Verification Basic Monitoring Facllities & Logistics Problem

صفحه 25:
۱0 ‏ل اك‎ cc hem ce Your problem Testing, Monitoring, Diagnostics, 0 Cloud servers Verification Cloud Element Management Infra (Split Responsibility) Facilities & Logistics (private or ‘Monitoring ۱ ۱ 1 ۱ 1 ۱ 1 ۱ 7 ۱ ۱ ۱ public)

صفحه 26:
ولو ‎®s Perceived‏ ۹ ار Application- Level Monitoring lol, Your Application Governance (Insert Code Here)

صفحه 27:
۱ Governance | Your Application App-Level Diagnostics, and Application Lifecycle Architect ee 0 000 Verification (Split Responsibility) BLACK BOX OF INTRIGUE

صفحه 28:
Strategy Traceable Models Business Events Processing Organization User Interfaces Geography Networks Business Processes Collaboration Architecture-Aware Application: Information Databases

صفحه 29:
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صفحه 30:

صفحه 31:
0 8% 10۶ 196 00 1% rewpoertey © ‏6س‎ Souree! 100 Carper Poxel, ‏انس 6009 سوه‎

صفحه 32:
2 ۹ Technology Adoption Life Cycle Groups are distinguished from each other based on their characteristic response to discontinuous innovations created by new technology Late Market / Skeptics: No way! Laggards 18% Mainstream Markets Conservatives: Hold on! \ Late Majority 34% Stick with the herdi Pragmatists: 2 سوه ly Early Majority 3 Early Markets Visionaries: Get ahead! Techies: 9 \ Innovetorf Ear 212% \ Adopters 43 12% Gait Oe eae

صفحه 33:
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صفحه 34:

صفحه 35:
6800 - ‏اوه عا - اوه موس موه 1 مه و اوه‎ 17 ‏یاو رسک(‎ aed ‏هم و موم ۱۱ جات وس‎ — Clad services will dow soe oA oF GOO ipteedativa to lod services providers, ocd speed the Dpyoacnic VP ‏هر‎ 4D ‏ی ارت سم اد‎ to shPt ® Supplier Oy, Deb Gurs Oev/Iateqraica, Bus. Provess ‏انس‎ ‎۱۷۰۲۱ ‏را رن‎ perros:

صفحه 36:
= Cove, (ee ‏سس‎ ‎— bots oP wicker ٠ Gai — Okeu settog up a cew bustuess, use tow! Dot saddle pour bustcess wih expeusive, oPexible, ropidy depreviatay asgets pou doo't aed!

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