اسلاید 2: Repair
اسلاید 3: Causes of fracture Excessive pressure during cleaning. Accidents such as dropping the denture
اسلاید 4: Full dentures with a cobalt chromium lingual strengthener
اسلاید 5: Repair of complete fracture
اسلاید 6: 1-The broken edges of the denture are cleaned.
اسلاید 7: 2-The parts of the broken denture reassembled and fixed together.
اسلاید 8: 3-Plaster is vibrated onto denture. 4-Sticky wax removed.5-The resin on both sides of the break is cut away (2-3 mm)
اسلاید 9: Repairs using cold-curing resin Dough method
اسلاید 10: Sprinkle on method
اسلاید 11: Relining and Rebasing
اسلاید 12: ReliningIt is refitting the denture by adding a small amount of the denture base material to the fitting surface.
اسلاید 13: RebasingIt is refitting the denture by replacing the denture base material without changing the occlusal relation of the denture.
اسلاید 14: Indications1- For ill fitting dentures to improve retention and stability of the denture.2- When there is decreased vertical dimension of occlusion.3- Rebasing is indicated when the denture base is discolored.
اسلاید 15: Technique of rebasing and relining An impression with zinc oxide paste inside the denture is necessary. The patient should bite with both denture during making an impression. The impression is poured into dental stone, then flasked without separation.For relining the impression material is replaced by acrylic resin.For rebasing the denture base and impression material is replaced with acrylic.
اسلاید 16: Duplication of complete denture
اسلاید 17: IndicationDuplication is indicated when the old denture in good condition and the patient is accustomed to it and a spare one is required
اسلاید 18: Elastic moldThe denture is flasked in elastic impression material e.g. alginate and silicone to make elastic mold. This elastic material facilitate removal of the denture.The denture removed and new teeth placed in position and acrylic resin is packed into the mold..
اسلاید 19: References1-Allen AA, Heath JR, Mc Cord: Complete Prosthodontics; Problems, Diagnosis and Management. Mosby-Wolf, London, 1995.2- Beresin, V.E. and Schiesser, F. J.: The neutral zone in complete and partial dentures. 2nd ed. St. Louis, The C.V. Mosby Company: 1978.3- Coleman, R. D. and kaiser, W. B.: The Scientific Bases of Dentistry. Philadelphia, W. B. Sounders; 1966. 4- Craig, R.G.: Restorative Dental Materials. 8th ed. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company.5-Fenn, H.R.B.; Liddelow, K.P. and Gemson, A.B.: Clinical Dental Prosthetics. 2 ed. London, Staples; 1974.6- Geering AH,Kundert M , Kelesy C: Complete denture and overdenture Prosthetics. Theme medical publication Inc. New York, 1993.7-Grant AR, Heath JR, Mc Cord JF: Complete Prosthodontics; Problems, Diagnosis and Management. Mosby-Wolf, London, 1996.8- Heartwell, C.M. and Rhan, A.G.: Syllabus of Complete Dentures. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger; 1986.9- Sharry, J.J.: Complete denture prosthodontics. 3rd ed. NewYork, McGraw-Hill; 1974.10- Sowter, J.B.: Dental laboratory technology: prosthodontic techniques. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina; 1968.11-Watt, D.M. and Mac Gregor, A.R.: Designing complete dentures. Philadelphia, W.B. Sounders; 1976.12- Winkler, S.: Essential of complete Denture Prosthodontics. 2nd ed. PSG Publishing Company; 1988.13- Zarb, G.A.; Bolender, C.L.; HicKey, J.C. and carlesson, G.E.: Bouchers Prothodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients. 7th. Ed. St-Louis, The C.V.Mosby Company; 1990.N, B. All pictures in these slides are copied from the above references and from the internet.
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