you dare to be yourself
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you dare to be yourself
اسلاید 1: THE Challenge in LifeDARE2 B U
اسلاید 4: Levels of InitiativeHIGHLOWLEVELOFINITIATIVELOWHIGHTRUSTWORTHINESSWait until toldDo it and report routinelyDo it and report immediatelyRecommendAskDo itWhere are you?`Where is your team?Where is your organisation?Where is your community?Where is the world?
اسلاید 5: Levels of Choice – Employment?Rebel or QuitHeartfelt commitmentCheerful cooperationWilling complianceMalicious obedienceCreative excitementWhere are you?`Where is your team?Where is your organisation?Where is your community?Where is the world?IQ – outside inEQ – inside outLevel of commitment
اسلاید 6: The Cancerous BehavioursCriticisingComplainingComparingCompetingContending
اسلاید 7: % of senior executives in 259 Fortune 500 companies in an American Management Association survey identifying what is important.The Keys to Successful Change1Leadership (EQ)92%2Corporate Values (EQ) 84%3Communication (EQ)75%4Teambuilding (EQ)69%5Education & Training(IQ)64%
اسلاید 8: People Development Performance Coaching Areas - Mostly Soft Skills - EQ!Ability to inspire trust & motivation (EQ) – 75 Visioning & conceptual thinking (EQ) - 65%Ability, willingness & self discipline to listen (EQ) -58%Strategic Thinking (IQ&EQ) - 55%Interpersonal communication skills (EQ) - 50%Entrepreneurial skills (EQ) - 44%Confidence & self-knowledge (EQ) - 41%Analytical & problem solving skills (IQ) - 30%Leadership Skills Rated as ImportantScale 1: 100expressed as a percentageSource:Van Eupen & RajanPeople Management pp29 Vol. 3 No 21
اسلاید 9: Four Levels of Leadership1Personal - TrustworthinessInterpersonal - Trust2Managerial - Empowerment3Organisational - Alignment4
اسلاید 10: What is Leadership?Leadership is using our personal power to win the hearts and minds of people to achieve a common purpose… The minds…by giving people a clear understanding of what people have to do, why and how it might be done;The hearts…by generating feelings of excitement, challenge, ownership, commitment and involvement.
اسلاید 11: Leadership is 3 DirectionalDOWN - subordinates UP - bosses ALONG - peers
اسلاید 12: The Core of LeadershipCharacterCompetence
اسلاید 13: Developing HabitsKNOWLEDGE(What to, Why to)SKILL(How to)DESIRE(Want to)HABITPQ & IQManagementProcessShort termNewtonian - doingIncrementalCertain = prisonEQ & SQLeadershipPeopleSustainableQuantum - beingTransformationalUncertain = freedomHeadHeart & SoulSchooling Education
اسلاید 14: Success – Built to LastTHOUGHT(What to, Why to)ACTION(How to)MEANING(Want to)HABITPQ & IQBe RightProfitSuccess – old systemHuman- doingEQ & SQBuild RelationshipsPartnershipSuccess – new spiritHuman - beingMoneyMoralsSchooling EducationOutside inInside outEither - orBoth - and
اسلاید 15: YouThoughtsFeelingsBehaviourBodyI can’t cope / I’m a failureAnxious / stressed / downWithdrawEdgy / sweating / stomach YOUR REACTIONS
اسلاید 16: Intellectual and EmotionalINTELLECTUAL LEARNINGTHEREHERENon - copingCopingGrowth & DevelopmentEmotional Learning CurveQuit?
اسلاید 18: How We Communicate55%7%38%Words we useNon-verbals, body languageHow we say words, sounds we make
اسلاید 19: LeadershipWho would you follow in your organisation?Write down the first ten names that come into your mind……
اسلاید 20: 1.EMPATHIC2. ACTIVE3. SELECTIVE4. PRETEND5. IGNORINGAs openness, trust and objectivity increase, the level of listening can move upwards. Each level represents a greater desire to truly understand the speaker.LISTENING IS HARDER THAN SPEAKING - YET TO BE ‘HEARD’ FEEDS THE SOUL.Levels of ListeningYOURviewof lifeTHEIR view of life
اسلاید 21: Change….THE Challenge in Business and LifeRepetitiveSightInjuryThe reason we rarely ‘see’ the other person / situation / way ahead – is we’re always looking back, seeing what we have always seen!!The real RSI
اسلاید 22: What do you ‘see’….?The reason we rarely ‘see’ what is in front of us – is our brain ‘wants to’ make us safe and thus won’t risk something new or showing our true selves!
اسلاید 30: Happinessisnowhere
اسلاید 31: The Human Hierarchy Being Human (SQ) – To leave a legacy2Human Being (EQ) – To love3Human Doing (IQ) – To learn4Human Living (PQ) – To liveThere are no short cuts to any place worth going Beverley Sills2341
اسلاید 33: THE PAOMNNEHAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? (Quantum v Newtonian)
اسلاید 34: In 1911 when he was far from certain that what he was doing was right he wrote to his great friend and fellow professional William Julius and saidIf these solar spectral lines are very fine, then I believe that my theory is refuted by these observations. I would be very pleased if you told me candidly your opinion about this matter. After all I know very well that my theory rests on a shaky foundation. The road I took might be the wrong one but it had to be tried out. Einstein TO ‘NEED’ TO BE RIGHT IS TO BE WRONG
اسلاید 35: When people have to prove they are right by strength of intellect, physical power, authority power or any means available to them - they are immediately wrong‘. The more doubtful you are, as Einstein exhibited, the more right you will be.......... A paradox as always - to think you are right is to be wrong and to think you could be wrong is to be right............... TO ‘NEED’ TO BE RIGHT IS TO BE WRONG
اسلاید 36: TO ‘NEED’ TO BE RIGHT IS TO BE WRONGC B 4 DDo you need to be right and as such then Defend, Disagree and Destroy - and waste the chance to generate positive results? Or do you look for the best answer and Co-operate, Contribute and Create a Community who do not need to be right but look for best. That is when we move past the old dying IQ brittle world and onto the EQ and SQ beautiful (best) world
اسلاید 37: The Competence CurveImmobilisationDenialFrustrationAcceptanceDevelopmentApplicationCompletionChangeThis is a child development model which focuses on the fact that as humans we are meant to continually to grow and develop and not to fear change as painful as so many model do, which can ‘block’ us. Yet - the only constant is change – so let’s embrace it….or!!!?
اسلاید 38: The Competence CurveImmobilisation – We seem to do nothing, to withdraw, Our competence drops as the change takes effect. This is because we are, in fact, at the tiny baby stage of needing other people to take care of our needs. Managers need to give us time and reassure us that our reactions are normal.Denial – We pretend it hasn’t happened and go on as we use to. Competence appears to rise as we repeat old patterns. However, others will see that what we do is no longer appropriate. This relates to the exploring stage of small children; we need time to notice what is around us and how it now functions. Managers need to be patient.
اسلاید 39: The Competence CurveFrustration – We know we need to change, but don’t now how. Competence drops quite a bit as we are forced to abandon irrelevant old skills. We need time for thinking about what is happening and to come to our own conclusions, just like two year olds. Managers need to be tolerant and listen a lot.Acceptance – We start behaving in ways that are appropriate to the new situation. Competence is still low, but can at last begin to rise. We are now taking on a new identity to suit the changed circumstances, just as we did as six year olds. Managers need to encourage us.
اسلاید 40: The Competence CurveDevelopment – We develop our new skills and knowledge in order to become competent performers. Competence rises as we actively acquire new skills. This is the equivalent of the skills stage, when we are ready to learn what to do. Now we can be given training and coaching. Application – This relates to the integration phase that we went through between the ages of twelve and eighteen. We rework the earlier stages as we apply the skills we have learned. Eventually, we will have completed the transition and will no longer be consciously aware of the change. We will then be operating at higher levels of competence than before the change began.
اسلاید 41: The Competence CurveOne final word of warning. We mentioned above that change takes time. Yet many organisations do not wait – they get employees through the frustration stage – and then they re-organise again. No wonder people come to dread change. People need enough time to complete the various phases if they are to reach a feeling of satisfaction and completion. And, conversely, people need to change. Staying in the same job long after you have completed all the stages of change may be just as unhealthy as moving on too fast. Human beings seem to be programmed to deal with change, especially as each time we do change we have another opportunity to complete our developmental tasks. Being denied change at the appropriate time can lead to our closing down psychologically. Managers have a responsibility that employees can continue to grow and develop.
اسلاید 42: The leader’s abiding challenge is to make people’s strengths effective, and their weaknesses irrelevant.
اسلاید 43: 6 Thoughts for the Future1You don’t get results by solving problems but by exploiting opportunities2Don’t get so far ahead of the parade that they don’t know you are in it3See the future as a picture puzzle4The roads to the future are right in front of us5 Focus on the score of the game6How powerful it is not to have to be right
اسلاید 44: VALUESThe word value derives from the Latin Valere - to be strong, healthy and effective....
اسلاید 45: TO CHANGE OR NOT TO CHANGE….C = d + v + f +e > < r + fChange (?) = dissatisfaction+vision+first steps+enthusiamMust be greater thanResistance + cost (time/pain/money/loss)
اسلاید 46: RESPONSIBLEResponse-ableThe ability to be ‘able’ to ‘respond’.The leaders role is to enable everyone to have that ability – to be ‘able to respond’ in any situation – honestly, openly, caringly authentically.
اسلاید 47: Flatliners or Alive…..? If you always do what you’ve always done – you’ll always get what you’ve always got as well as less life!Length of ‘LIFE’ Variability = change = risk = growth = LIFE‘Safe life’Risky lifePQ – IQ – EQ & SQ‘Missed’ lifePerson, family, community AND organisation
اسلاید 48: Values for HealthHOMEWORKVALUES – WHO YOU AREThe less your personal values - ‘what you stand for’ - embrace both ‘sides’ of your ‘ONE’ life the more stress and ill health will ensue. 90% of all illness is due to stress – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
اسلاید 49: Values in Everyday Life…YOUOther PersonThe bigger the gap in values the bigger the gap in conversationIntuitively we know when someone else’s values are different from ours. That is when even when we ‘try’, to converse and fit with social norms, our conversation with them will feel stilted and forced and very uncomfortable. The real question is however – do we then beat ourselves up for being ‘true’
اسلاید 50: Role DefinitionsEducate – from Latin ‘educare’ – to lead out – to elicit/bring out (O.E.D.)Facilitate – from Latin ‘facilis’ – easy to do – to make easier (O.E.D.)Present – from Latin ‘praesentare’ – to place before – to bring into view/ to perform (O.E.D.)School – from Greek ‘skhole’ – to lecture – to train -to put intoTeach – from Sanskrit ‘dic’ – to show – to direct/ to uniform (O.E.D.)Train – from Latin ‘trahere’ – to draw or drag something after oneself – to practice/subject to discipline (O.E.D.)Inspire – from Latin ‘spiro’ to breathe ‘in-spiro’ – to breath life into – to stimulate or arouse (O.E.D.)
اسلاید 51: OriginsThe word therapy comes from the Greek word for nurse. The patient is also a doctor and the doctor a patient, as everyone concerned tries to evoke a spirit of healing that will accompany the illness Thomas Moore - Dark Night of the Soul
اسلاید 52: OriginsThe word ‘emotion’ comes from the Latin ‘Emotere’ meaning To Move……No emotion = no movementNo movement = no changeNo change = death
اسلاید 53: Leadership - The 4 Rs?Release Recognise RealizeRewardAnd who does it start with……?
اسلاید 54: SpiritPurposeValuesStrategyBehaviourWhy do we/I exist?What we/I believe inHow are we/I going to do it?What we/I do with others to achieve itYOUR LIFE (you’re life..)
اسلاید 55: Levels of LifeSoul SQ EQ IQPQDo you live life from the ‘outside in’ (personality) or from the ‘inside out’ – i.e. are you really you?SocietyYOU
اسلاید 56: Life Do BeHave£PowerPolitics‘Outside in’ – short term – Human-doing‘Inside out’ – long term Human-being
اسلاید 57: Entrainment is a term in physics which means that two oscillating systems fall into synchrony. Two waves peaking and troughing at the same time, are considered ‘in phase’, or operating in synch. Those peaking at opposite times are ‘out of phase’. Physicists believe that entrainment results from tiny exchanges of energy between two systems that are out of phase, causing one to slow down and the other to accelerate until the two are in phase. It’s also related to resonance, or the ability of any system to absorb more energy than normal at a particular frequency (the number of peaks and troughs in one second). Any vibrating thing, including an electromagnetic wave, has its own preferential frequencies, called ‘resonant frequencies’, where it finds vibrating the easiest. When it ‘listens’ or receives a vibration from somewhere else, it tunes out all pretenders and only tunes into its own resonant frequency. It is a bit like a mother instantly recognizing her child from among a mass of school children. Planets have orbital resonances. Once they march to the same rhythm, things that are entrained send out a stronger signal than they do individually. This most commonly occurs with musical instruments, which sound amplified when all playing in phase. What’s been discovered during many scientific trials is that In during acts of remote influence and intention the recipient’s EEG waves mirror those of the sender. In a number of studies of healing, the EEG waves of the patient synchronize with those of the healer during moments when healing energy is being ‘sent’. ENTRAINMENT
اسلاید 58: Management and leadership lives and works within an institution and that institution is a human community bound together by the bond that is second only in strength to the bond of family – the work bond.
اسلاید 59: A FORMULA FOR SUCCESS?H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103% A-S-S-K-I-S-S-I-N-G 1+19+19+11+9+19+19+ 9+14+7 = 118%
اسلاید 60: A FORMULA FOR SUCCESS?So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you right there, its the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top. HARDWORK = 98%KNOWLEDGE = 98%ATTITUDE = 100%BULLSHIT = 103%ASS KISSING = 118%
اسلاید 61: A WORLD OF LAWYERSSpain – 0.244 (104,000)Greece – 0.234 (25,000)England and Wales – 0.230 (121,165)Portugal – 0.225 (23,000)Scotland – 0.190 (9,443)Germany – 0.141 (116,000)Belgium – 0.125 (13,050)Norway – 0.124 (5,600)If lawyers thrive on dealing with conflict – what do the look for – and thus what do they find?So what do they mostly bring to society?USA – 0.366 (1,084,504)Israel – 0.409 (27,000)No of lawyers as % of population – Economist Nov 2006
اسلاید 62: A WORLD OF ACCOUNTANTSMalta – 0.234 (937)USA – 0.206 (600,00)Italy – 0.158 (90,800)Luxembourg – 0.155 (618)Netherlands – 0.069 (11,186)Belgium – 0.068 (6,988)Norway – 0.068 (3,040)Switzerland – 0.051 (3,700)If accountants are there to count money – who counts the human costs?A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. Henry FordIreland – 0.466 (18,174)UK – 0.481 (284,129)No of accountants as % of population – Economist Nov 2006
اسلاید 63: Modern mothers ‘too fat to push’Number of caesareans doubled in last 10 yearsToday 1 in 4 are caesareanBMI of 35+ 3x elective pre term delivery2 thirds caesareans due to pre-eclampsia (fatal seizures)Morbidly obese women 3x more likely to deliver baby which dies before or during birthUK – 33% overweight & 23% obese = 56% over BMITrue storyDo women care more about having an easy time than their own and their childs life (or death!)
اسلاید 64: Six Steps to Success1Breathe (take time out to stop ‘doing’ & ‘be’)2Break that cycle of repetition 3Engage emotionally4See it differently5Listen deeper6 ActionIf you always do what you’ve always done – you’ll always get what you’ve always got
اسلاید 65: Less IS More
اسلاید 66: 3 Keys to a Happy & Productive Workforce1) Job Security – only 38% felt secure2) Staff involvement – under 48% said they were in control of their working environment3) Being treated fairly and with dignity – only 44%Key areas for creating a happy workforceScale 1: 100expressed as a percentageSource:Amicus Union 2006What would your figures be? – as that WILL predict productivity & profitability
اسلاید 67: Tight deadlines and a fast pace1) 53% of females say extreme job interferes with sex lifePhysical presence at office 10+ hours a day Outcomes‘Extreme’ JobsUnpredictable work flowInordinate scope of responsibilityLarge amount of travel2) 65% of males say job interferes with their ability to have strong relationships with their childrenAfter Hours works eventResponsibility for profit and loss3) 45% in this global survey said that at the end of a 12 hour day they were too tired to say anything to their partnerResponsibility for mentoring & recruiting
اسلاید 68: 6 ORGANISATIONAL STEPS to SPIRITStopping – what you always do – to ‘breathe’Sensing something different – inside youSeeing differently – a new understandingSharing – who you are and what you now think openly and honestly + listening to othersSeeking out kindred spirits and organisations to effect coherence in life (values alignment)Start doing things differently
اسلاید 69: Trust in Scottish Politicians!56%44%Scots that trust the devolved government “just about always” or “most of the time”!!!Scots that don’t trust the devolved governmentIn 1999 when the Scottish Parliament was established trust was at 81%Figures from Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2005
اسلاید 70: Trust in Scottish Politicians!41%59%Scots that believe the parliament has given Scotland a stronger voice.Scots that don’t believe the parliament has given Scotland a stronger voiceIn 1999 - 70% believed the parliament gave Scotland a stronger voiceFigures from Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2005
اسلاید 71: Trust in the UK Government!77%23%UK population that do not trust the governmentUK population that trust the governmentIn 1999 – 32% was the most recent ‘high’!!Figures from Scottish Social Studiers Attitudes Survey 2005
اسلاید 72: What is Scottish Parliament doing for ordinary people37%55%Giving them moreMaking no differenceFigures from Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 20055%Giving them less
اسلاید 73: Is Scottish Parliament giving Scotland a stronger voice in UK?41%50%StrongerNo differenceFigures from Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 20056%Weaker
اسلاید 76: How To ‘Break The Cycle’Stopping to ‘breathe’ – to see and ‘feel’ it differentlyOpen the emotional ‘door’ (EQ) that will bring so much to the surface automatically – which IQ does not Then emotionally find out who is ‘on the bus’ and deal with that swiftly and effectively – ‘clear’ culture creationRecognise and grow people’s strengths (H, W & Play)Deal with humility in everything you do (int & ext)Practice what you preach – brutal honestyCreate sustainable 3 way feed in loops at all levels The steps for moving from ‘Good to Great’Promote work life balance & health – as foundationalOh – and never forget to haveAlways – ALWAYS let go…..FUN!
اسلاید 77: FORMSTORMREFORMPERFORMJourney of Teams
اسلاید 78: FORMSensing each other outVying/establishing a pecking orderAutocratic/acquiescence relationshipsImposed decisions/disciplinesConformity to expectationsSuperficiality/subjectivityStatus consciousHidden feelingsPoor listeningInflexible/bureaucraticLevel 4/5 communicationsSTORMRebelliousOpening up risky issuesEmotive/volatileAggressiveInsecurityLack of direction/boundariesREFORMChange/re-affirm goalsRe-establish culture on honesty, tolerance and listeningRe-establish relationships on respect for personal values/contributionsRe-structure tasks on individual & team talentsEstablish self & team disciplines & boundariesDevelop assertiveness and objectivityPERFORMPositive direction, boundaries & disciplinesCreativity, enterprise and initiativeFlexibility and responsivenessOpen honest relationships and cultureMatching task, team and individual needsCommitment, pride in groups, team spiritMaturity, resilience and high moraleLevel 2/3 communicationsJourney of Teams
اسلاید 80: Gareth RobertsSCM ScotlandProclaimers Supply Chain TeamHousing & Maintenance Supply Chain TeamHot Chocolate Supply Chain TeamJoy Division Supply Chain TeamHappy Mondays Supply Chain TeamTony DonaghyGordon BainJennifer CoyleJoanne GaughanDamion HuntLeisa HewittMy world
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