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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “Uses of Computer Networks”

Uses of Computer Networks

اسلاید 1: IntroductionChapter 1

اسلاید 2: Uses of Computer NetworksBusiness ApplicationsHome ApplicationsMobile UsersSocial Issues

اسلاید 3: Business Applications of NetworksA network with two clients and one server.

اسلاید 4: Business Applications of Networks (2)The client-server model involves requests and replies.

اسلاید 5: Home Network ApplicationsAccess to remote informationPerson-to-person communicationInteractive entertainmentElectronic commerce

اسلاید 6: Home Network Applications (2)In peer-to-peer system there are no fixed clients and servers.

اسلاید 7: Home Network Applications (3)Some forms of e-commerce.

اسلاید 8: Mobile Network UsersCombinations of wireless networks and mobile computing.

اسلاید 9: Network HardwareLocal Area NetworksMetropolitan Area NetworksWide Area NetworksWireless NetworksHome NetworksInternetworks

اسلاید 10: Broadcast NetworksTypes of transmission technologyBroadcast linksPoint-to-point links

اسلاید 11: Broadcast Networks (2)Classification of interconnected processors by scale.

اسلاید 12: Local Area NetworksTwo broadcast networks(a) Bus(b) Ring

اسلاید 13: Metropolitan Area NetworksA metropolitan area network based on cable TV.

اسلاید 14: Wide Area NetworksRelation between hosts on LANs and the subnet.

اسلاید 15: Wide Area Networks (2)A stream of packets from sender to receiver.

اسلاید 16: Wireless NetworksCategories of wireless networks:System interconnectionWireless LANsWireless WANs

اسلاید 17: Wireless Networks (2)(a) Bluetooth configuration(b) Wireless LAN

اسلاید 18: Wireless Networks (3)(a) Individual mobile computers(b) A flying LAN

اسلاید 19: Home Network CategoriesComputers (desktop PC, PDA, shared peripheralsEntertainment (TV, DVD, VCR, camera, stereo, MP3)Telecomm (telephone, cell phone, intercom, fax)Appliances (microwave, fridge, clock, furnace, airco)Telemetry (utility meter, burglar alarm, babycam).

اسلاید 20: Network SoftwareProtocol HierarchiesDesign Issues for the LayersConnection-Oriented and Connectionless ServicesService PrimitivesThe Relationship of Services to Protocols

اسلاید 21: Network Software Protocol HierarchiesLayers, protocols, and interfaces.

اسلاید 22: Protocol Hierarchies (2)The philosopher-translator-secretary architecture.

اسلاید 23: Protocol Hierarchies (3)Example information flow supporting virtual communication in layer 5.

اسلاید 24: Design Issues for the LayersAddressingError ControlFlow ControlMultiplexingRouting

اسلاید 25: Connection-Oriented and Connectionless ServicesSix different types of service.

اسلاید 26: Service PrimitivesFive service primitives for implementing a simple connection-oriented service.

اسلاید 27: Service Primitives (2)Packets sent in a simple client-server interaction on a connection-oriented network.

اسلاید 28: Services to Protocols RelationshipThe relationship between a service and a protocol.

اسلاید 29: Reference ModelsThe OSI Reference ModelThe TCP/IP Reference ModelA Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP A Critique of the OSI Model and ProtocolsA Critique of the TCP/IP Reference Model

اسلاید 30: Reference ModelsThe OSI reference model.

اسلاید 31: Reference Models (2)The TCP/IP reference model.

اسلاید 32: Reference Models (3)Protocols and networks in the TCP/IP model initially.

اسلاید 33: Comparing OSI and TCP/IP ModelsConcepts central to the OSI modelServicesInterfacesProtocols

اسلاید 34: A Critique of the OSI Model and ProtocolsWhy OSI did not take over the worldBad timingBad technologyBad implementationsBad politics

اسلاید 35: Bad TimingThe apocalypse of the two elephants.

اسلاید 36: A Critique of the TCP/IP Reference ModelProblems:Service, interface, and protocol not distinguishedNot a general modelHost-to-network “layer” not really a layerNo mention of physical and data link layersMinor protocols deeply entrenched, hard to replace

اسلاید 37: Hybrid ModelThe hybrid reference model to be used in this book.

اسلاید 38: Example NetworksThe InternetConnection-Oriented Networks: X.25, Frame Relay, and ATMEthernetWireless LANs: 802:11

اسلاید 39: The ARPANET(a) Structure of the telephone system.(b) Baran’s proposed distributed switching system.

اسلاید 40: The ARPANET (2)The original ARPANET design.

اسلاید 41: The ARPANET (3)Growth of the ARPANET (a) December 1969. (b) July 1970.(c) March 1971. (d) April 1972. (e) September 1972.

اسلاید 42: NSFNETThe NSFNET backbone in 1988.

اسلاید 43: Internet UsageTraditional applications (1970 – 1990) E-mailNewsRemote loginFile transfer

اسلاید 44: Architecture of the InternetOverview of the Internet.

اسلاید 45: ATM Virtual CircuitsA virtual circuit.

اسلاید 46: ATM Virtual Circuits (2)An ATM cell.

اسلاید 47: The ATM Reference ModelThe ATM reference model.

اسلاید 48: The ATM Reference Model (2)The ATM layers and sublayers and their functions.

اسلاید 49: EthernetArchitecture of the original Ethernet.

اسلاید 50: Wireless LANs(a) Wireless networking with a base station.(b) Ad hoc networking.

اسلاید 51: Wireless LANs (2)The range of a single radio may not cover the entire system.

اسلاید 52: Wireless LANs (3)A multicell 802.11 network.

اسلاید 53: Network StandardizationWho’s Who in the Telecommunications WorldWho’s Who in the International Standards WorldWho’s Who in the Internet Standards World

اسلاید 54: ITUMain sectorsRadiocommunicationsTelecommunications StandardizationDevelopmentClasses of MembersNational governmentsSector membersAssociate membersRegulatory agencies

اسلاید 55: IEEE 802 StandardsThe 802 working groups. The important ones are marked with *. The ones marked with  are hibernating. The one marked with † gave up.

اسلاید 56: Metric UnitsThe principal metric prefixes.

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در صورت نیاز با شماره 09353405883 در واتساپ، ایتا و روبیکا تماس بگیرید.

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